My ex teacher Dr. Vijaya Samaravickrama was featured in the Sunday Star. After 50 years of teaching Dr. Vijaya has decided to retire though the desire to teach still burns bright within him. Read the full article on this link below:
To Dr. Vijaya, I say thank you for all the knowledge that I have gained from you. Enjoy your retirement and may god bless you with the best of health.
Read my earlier blog about him here.
Friday Oct, 26 2007
To Dr. Vijaya, I say thank you for all the knowledge that I have gained from you. Enjoy your retirement and may god bless you with the best of health.
Read my earlier blog about him here.
Friday Oct, 26 2007
He had just switched on his handphone to call his wife in KL since he had switched it off during the flight from KL to Kota Bharu. I managed to call him after failing to reach him since 8.30 am when he was supposed to reach Kota Bharu. How surprised he was when I identified myself and he was wondering how on earth I managed to get his phone number. (He admitted that he forgot that he gave me the number via email 2 days ago. Age must have caught up with him I guess).
Mr. Vijaya immediately came out from the venue where he was scheduled to lecture on Buddhism at 10.00 am. He gave me a warm hug. After 45 years of seperation, the meeting was definitely nostalgic. It was then 9.15 am and I know at the most I have 30 minutes of his time.
After the usual how are you and all that preliminaries, I updated him on who is still around in Pasir Mas that he once knew. He was happy to know that En. Mahmood Yaacob, En. Zain Mahmood his former teacher colleagues at Sultan Ibrahim Primary School Pasir Mas and fellow Kirkby mates are still around and so is En Ahmad Rahman the former HM of Sultan Ibrahim Primary School. He was sad to know that Mahmood Mohd Zain who played The Witch in his MacBeth has passed away some years earlier.
Though he would be staying back in Kota Bharu for the night, his schedule of lectures was full till the night. He promised to allocate the evening to meet his friends and us his ex-students the next time he visits Kota Bharu which is done twice a year.
By his admission, he is not internet savvy and was arm twisted to use the email by his boss at Taylors' College that all future notices will be via email only and if he fails to attend meetings, he will have to face the consequences. A staff of Taylors' was assigned to assist him to learn how to email.
Sir, its only your refusal to learn that prohibit you from enjoying the good of the internet. If only you would open yourself to it, there is so much more that you can contribute to society and your religion via the net especially on the subject of World Religions which you specialize in.
Mr. Vijaya tried to dissuade me from addressing him as Sir, just call him Vijaya as we are now friends he said. I told him that he is the rare few that I will call Sir in this life, so please allow me to address him as that.
The staff at Taylors College addressed him as Dr. Vijaya when I was trying to first get in touch with him. So I have been presuming that he had done his Doctorate which doesn't seem to be the case as he admitted during the meeting. My apology to Mr. Vijaya and everyone else for the misrepresentation.
Taylors' College wont be retiring him just yet. They failed to find a suitable replacement to this teacher called Vijaya Samaravickrama to teach on Drama and World Religions. Thus he will contribute to society the way he knows best, by teaching.
Need I tell you who is the man in the white shirt?

could someone please help pak zawi fix his date and time stamp? i am sure one of your reader/blogger friends can help..
I hope after they read your comment, somebody will come forward with the help. It was you who notified me with the mistake. Thanks to you again.
i once had a teacher called vijaya when i was in primary school...thought it was him...
i went to Sek Ren Ismail Petra from std 1 - 4, i still remember most of my teachers, Mr. See taught me Science and Maths, Mrs. Ravi my std 4 teacher, Cikgu Ali the BM teacher, if i am not mistaken the headmaster name is Rahim Merican...
i loved Kota Bharu, i stayed in one of the police quarters along Jalan Sultan Ibrahim...wonderful memories there but never been there since i left in 74 or 75...u can never forget good teachers...
Wow! Dr Vijaya is a true wonder not only as a teacher but a person who cares a lot. He said the teaching profession found him. I am sure all will agree that the profession could not have found a better candidate. Hopefully, there will be opportunities for him to continue his desire to teach.
Sounds like you had a lot of fun during your school days, Zawi. At that time you probably didn't think so, what with that two strokes of rotan and giantic challenges on an eager lad. Now, your stories are exuberant of appreciation and fond memories. A really good life. :)
Zawi ... I should have said a really good and "rich" life. :)
I will send you his email address later so you can get intouch with him. No harm is saying thank you to an ex teacher right?
Time to come back to see Kota Bharu. The town is still recognizable and the old police quarters are still there. See it before it makes way for development soon.
I just received an email from Mr. Vijaya. He is coming to Kota Bharu this Friday for his Buddhist gathering. I am going to meet him there.
'Rich' life yes, but not in the financial way. Enough to live by and see through with my children's education. They could pursue theirs without any financial diffulties unlike mine which was the main crux due to our poor financial capability.
I agree with Zatigha, we can never forget good teachers. Even after all these years, I still hold on to the dear memories.
Good day
Yup, everyone cannot forget teachers that has show them rights and wrongs.Too bad that many youngsters nowadays doesn't respect their teachers they way they should.This is not a new issue anyway.
I was at SMKA Falahiah, Pasir Pekan from 2000 to 2005.To me all teachers there are worth to be remember and being respected. the same to all the other teachers out there.
The least we could do is to remember them and say thank you to them. When the students of Sultan ibrahim School Pasir Mas feted their former teachers in 2005, Mr Vijaya wasnt able to attend because he ahd to attend his son's graduation in Australia. He came back to Kelantan later but was not met by anybody because nobody knows about his visit. Since he informed me of this visit today, I will meet him to day to say hello.
Thanks for visiting my site. I am very happy to note that there are young people like you who seems to appreciate what your teachers contribute to you in your formative years in school. They too would feel proud of you.
At last Mr. Vijaya has retired.. He should after 50 long wonderful years. I loved the way Mr Vijaya told us stories.
A note to Zaitgha.. Mr. Rahim Merican became the HM for SRK Sultan Ibrahim Satu in Pasir Mas in the late 70s and early 80s. He passed away several years ago.
Azmy Omar,
Mr. vijaya wont retire just yet. It seems that Taylors College is unable to find a replacement to lecture on Drama and World religions. He will be there for another year or until they find a suitable candidate. Thats what he told me this morning in KB.
He promised to find time to meet us up the next time he will be in Kelantan. Need to rell Cikgu Mahmood Yaacob, and together we will pay a visit to Mr. Ahmad Rahman, the former HM of SIS Primary.
tumpang lalu Pak Zawi to say thanks to Azmy for the info on my former Fatihah
AlFatihah to the late Cikgu Rahim Merican. Unfortunately I didnt get to know him.
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