The porch is now ready

The wedding procession to the bride's house.

The procession

The Akad Nikah
Azuan's marriage to Wan Hanizah Wan Din was solemnized on the 14th of October 2007 (My best birthday gift) at Mesjid Kg. Pauh, Pasir Mas. It was done after the Isyak prayers and was solemnised by the Imam. The 'Lafaz' needed only be done once and it was over despite the butterflies swarming in Azuam's stomach. He looked composed and confident.

This was done when you touch your wife for the first time after being wedde and thus rendering the Abolution obselete.

Gifts to the bride including the monetary gift of RM6,666. The figure is paltry compared to the RM77,777 given by a millionaire to his bride, but 6,666 is significant as it is equivalent to the number of verses in The Holy Quran.

The King For The Day.

They look resplendent.
Posing for the camera

With the eldest sister Azura, her hubby Joe and children

En. Tantawi (Director of Alumni Center UiTM) his spouse Bahiah, Fatthiyah (my wife) Dr. Rohani Ibrahim (Director of Alumni Center UPM) and her spouse Dr. Yusof Salleh (Honourable Secretary UPM Alumni Association)

The nephew and neices helping to open the presents
The above pictures more or less tell the story of my son's wedding. It is the last wedding among my children. I hope Allah will answer my prayers that his marriage and the other siblings marriages will last forever. My wife and I has gone through for 34 years and is still going strong. Till death do we part
selamat bapa mertua baru! :)
Memang dah selamat. Terima kasih. Hope to enlist your help to rearrange the pictures so that it will tell a story when presented in a proper sequence. Meanwhile enjoy it as it is.
Dear Sir,
I hope its not too late to wish you and your family happy hari raya.
And weddings. I love weddings, except for mine, all those kena bersanding and direnjis made me shuddder. He he he...
But I love akad nikah. Its serene and pure.
Good holidays Sir (dah habih dah pun cuti...)
I love weddings because I get to meet people I don't usually see often. It is a good way to catch up.
By the way, the bride and groom look so happy and contented. I wish them many joyous years together.
Nice photos!
Dear Elviza,
I will be most honoured if you will just call me Pak Zawi instead of Sir.
Actually there wasnt any bersanding ceremony involved so there were no 'merenjis' involved and I was uncomfortable with that myself. They just posed for picture for photography.
The akad nikah was done at a mosque with another 2 couples.
Thanks for the visit and the good wishes.
so 3 couples for the imam to do the akad on the same day... imam must be very bz that day - in fact kelantan always picked raya hols for these kind of ceremonies, for the reason u mentioned in the other postings.
i love attending weddings too... looking at the young lovely couples, the baju, hantaran and etc
pak, where is the pic of ur new porch that kept u bz last ramadhan.. :)
Zawi, It is indeed a great day for you and the family. Congratulation.
It was indeed an occassion to meet the rest of the clan which otherwise you wont get to meet. This is the rare occassion when all relatives will congregate and old friends to meet. An old friend whom I have not met since 1969, Tuan Haji Zainal came with the bride's entourage.
All photos were taken by his brother or sisters Azrin, Joe, Yani, Azura and Azini.
The Raya hols is the best season for the Kelantanese to hold wedding ceremonies as many relatives work outside of Kelantan.
The pic of the porch will be uploaded when I redo this posting. The pic is ready but I just chose to upload a few first.
Pak Idrus,
Thank you. Thanks for messaging me about your own event on being carried live on TV9. It was unfortunate for me as I was driving at that time and had to miss the show.
beautiful bride and groom, congrats again and thanks for the photos
Thanks you for the comment. I have yet to do the write up. It seems to be a difficult thing for me to do. Is it the writer's block?
999suria99Congratulations. Our best wishes to the bride and bridegroom. Semoga bahagia ke anak cucu dan sentiasa dilindungi Allah SWT.
Dear Hj Zawi,
Just celebrated my 56th. birthday on the 15th October. My 3 sisters presented a lovely chocolate cake with the message " Happy Retirement". Thats it..but how do one feel stepping onto the "retiree" group?
awww, so sweet especially your last paragraph....
ps groom's dashing..
Congrats, Pakda...
More cucu on the way!
I'm sorry that we (me+family) couldn't make it for most of the events. From akad nikah, till kenduri belah your new menantu. Wished we could do more than just datang makan on the kenduri the other day. Me, especially... I've been missing all the preparations for most of my cousins' weddings. It's frustrating, coz that's the chance to 'be' family. I missed the old days...
Thanks for all the wishes. Hey our b/day is close. Mine is the 14th. just a day earlier. My children gave me a cake too. Wait till I write about it.
Welcome to the world of the 'retired'. There is still life after retirement. Just keep yourself healthy and enjoy living like you have never enjoyed before.
Thanks for the heartwarming comment. I dont think I need to write much as the pictures are self explanatory.
Zay (Lani),
It is OK. There is still time to make up. Lets do something that will allow us to come together again. How about the coming Idil Adha?
I visited your sis inlaw Noraini at GH KB today. Really feel sorry for her. She shed some tears when I called out to her and she recognized my voice. Its really sad. Did cry within me.
Pak Da made a mistake, its your cousin inlaw and not your sis inlaw. Hope you will visit my site more often to know more about the goings on in the family.
CONGRATS, Zawi! May they live happily ever after. Once again, Happy Birthday and Many Happy Returns!
PAk Zawi,
Alhamdulillah, everything selamat. And Happy Belated Birthday too, sir! What a birthday for you.
Assallamualaikum Zawi,
Minal Aidil WalFaizzin utk Zawi d kluarga. Alhamdulillah nampaknya Zawi telah dapat menjalankan tugas yg d amanahkan sbagai sorg bapa. Maaf kerana tak dapat bsama pada kenduri kahwin kali ini sbab kchik raya kat kl. Nampaknya Ani dg Soh ada kat sana. geng '68 tak ada ke? Ebos, Azmi, Paksu, ..... Salam utk Fattiyah.
Thanks, thanks and many thanks.
Mior Azhar,
Terima kasih atas ucapan selamat dari saudara. Semoga Allah juga mencucuri rahmat yang sama keatas saudara.
Terima kasih. Maaf jua dipohon.
Malangnya classmate kita tak ramai hadir. Geng Rantau Panjang tak datng. Mungkin silap komunikasi dari saya. Yang datang juga tidak masa sama jadi tak dapat masukkan group foto seperti kenduri anak perempuan dulu.
Terima kasih kerana mengunjung blog saya. Semoga datang lagi untuk baca gossip gossip seterusnya.
i hope not to late to say congratulation to the young couple and Happy Belated Bday to you and of course Selamat Hari Raya...looks like you had a bz Syawal so far....
Thanks for the wishes. Yes it was a busy Syawal Indeed.
I was at Rita Ho's site just now and I saw an article about a certain friend of hers called Zai. Could that Zai be you?
Selamat Hari Raya.
no la Pak Zawi...that Zai is not me...just the same namesake...i am not a Hajjah yet...but insyallah with God's will one day....
Pak Zawi,
I hope it's not too late for me to wish you:
1. Selamat Hari Raya.
2. Happy Birthday. Semuga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki.
3. Congratulations for the new addition to your family. Hope the newlyweds bahagia hingga ke anak cucu.
1. Selamat Hari Raya to you too.
2. Thank you. Earlier I wanted to blog about my birthday too but it has been overtaken by events after the wedding celebration.
3. Thank you for the wishes. Hopefully they will lead a happy life together and bear me many more happy bundles of joy.
hi zawi,
thanks for sharing your blog... and before i forget. please accept my congratulation on your son's wedding... as other have said, i too love weddings... i attended vters zue's wedding in baling (kedah) and vter fizah's wedding in singapore... i would be glad to go to pasir mas for the wedding if you have invited me... hehe...
on a more solemn note, i visited vter azri just minutes before he wheeled into the operation theatre for a cervical spine operation in melaka to give him moral support(just before the hari raya holidays)... azri sms me that he is now back home resting and recovering from the operation...
it would be nice to be able to meet up with you... will make it to kelantan in the next month or so... will let you know... the best of health to you and your family...
Thanks for the visit. I am touched by your words and acts of kindness to fellow friends.
If you happen to be in Kelantan pls do give me a call. I will email you my numbers via your vtmail. By the way I will be in KL for a month from the 25th of November. Maybe we could meet up for teh tarik somewhere. While in KL maybe I could attend a VT meet if there happens to be a gathering during that period. Since most visitors to Malaysia will contact you, there is a chance I could attend too.
Congrats to the newly-weds and may they follow your good example for a good and happy marriage.
Thanks for sharing the beautiful family photos.
h j angus,
Thank you for the message. Its every parents wish that our children's marriage will last forever as their happiness will bring happiness to us too. Marriage is not an experiment. Its the final decision.
Belated Congratulations, Zawi. So, was Azuan the son who helped you paint the porch? That'll make a great story for his grandchildren - assistant painter one day and "King of The Day" next! He has a very engaging smile.
I read about his unfortunate accident and brain surgery. The closed unit of your family no doubt played a huge part in his recovery, but his courage in fighting the odds and subsequently moving on in life is certainly admirable.
Please pass on my well wishes to him and his lovely bride for many years of love & happiness!
Rita Ho,
Azuan came back early for the wedding and since all preparations was for his wedding, he did the most. My children were trained to do things while still young. The had been helping me paint the house before or help me to any house repair. This sort of experience will come in handy in their later life. Now they repainted their own house as it is really a simple job and can save them lots of money.
By the way Azuan is my only child who had a chienese primary education. He speaks fluent Mandarin and a Chienese friend told me his diction is superb. I speak a smattering of Mandari and Hokkien too.
Thanks for the good wishes and I have conveyed them to him.
wow...meriah nya majlis. Looking at all this pics makes me feel like wanna marry someone right now.hehehe..tahniah pak..
good fye... wait no more....
ur sister's wedding was this raya also, rite?
fye-wait till u hold a newly born baby then u wud say cudnt wait to have a baby....
but ask someone who had caesarian even twice - scary (but worth the pain)
Jangan tunggu lama lama...
You seem to be speaking with experience. Have you really experienced it?
seems like I have to wait again lah..I have to stable my life first before I start a new life with someone else
my sister's wedding will be next year..last raya, her bf come for merisik and meminang only. I have to say, I didn't like my sister marry first before me..langkah bendul la kan..but kalau dah jodoh..nak buat macam mana...
yes pak, i was talking from experience...
fye - ooo..merisik baru.. but think positive, u still have time... like how Ferrari's Kimi became this season's F1 champ (ada style gitu..)
Caesarian will leave you wit a scar for life.
Pak zawi:
Tahniah kerana mendapat menantu.Alhamdulillah.
Cantik photo entry ini.
Zawi ... Azuan speaks fluent Mandarin?? WOW! That puts me to shame. I can't even order a meal with my command of the language. Sigh.
Terima kasih. Gambar ihsan dari anak-anak dn juga cameraman dari pengantin lelaki. Tak tau sapa punya dah so tak leh credit sapa sapa. Yang terbaik mungkin dari Cameraman pengantin.
Rita Ho,
He studied in a Chinese school that is why he could speak it. You and I didnt. Only that I speak a smattering of Mandarin, Hokkien and Thai, sometimes mixing them up altogether LOL.
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