All takes is a bull to start running and the rest will join the stampede. That is the herd mentality in the simplest of sense according to my understanding of the phrase. That was what happened yesterday in Labuan June 24, 2008. It was like the replay of A Night of Near Mayhem which I reported in Pasir Mas which happened when news spread of the impending 78 sen price hike of petrol.
This time it wasn't anything to do with a price hike. It was just a rumour that all petrol stations in Sabah (Labuan included) will be closed for 3 days as a protest to demand the increase of comission to petrol dealers. In this modern age of hi technology, rumours are not spread by words of mouth anymore, its via the short messaging system. So effective was the spread that by 5.00 PM queues started to build up at the petrol kiosks in Labuan. Those who received the sms immediately headed for the petrol station to fill up their vehicle immediately after leaving their place of work. Lucky thing my son in law Lokman was stuck in an office meeting and rushed straight home after it was over at 7.00 PM.(Hey that is how hard these Petronas people work). He immediately told me about what was happening at the petrol station and I was tempted to go and have a look and perhaps take some pictures. Unfortunately his motorbike which I had been using had a puncture. (It was eventually found out that a 2 inch nail was the cause of the puncture).
In Labuan all the petrol stations are located in Labuan town or at its fringe. So last night, the town was brought to a stand still.A neighbour in Taman Mutiara had to go to town to fetch his child who was attending a tuisyen class 2 hrs after the class ended and that he went on a motorbike. His wife who went to fetch them earlier was stuck in a jam and only managed to come home much later. Another neighbour was on his way for dinner with his family when he was caught in the jam. He turned around and drove against the flow of traffic because he feared he might drain every bit of petrol in his car before he could replenish it.
Such was the problem created by a hoax sms.How easy it is today to spread malicious rumours and how easy it is for people to believe in such a thing. The person who started the rumour was cursed by all those who had to endure the hardship. Many wished him to be obliterated from the face of this earth.
Petrol dealers suffer too when there is a price hike as their cost of purchasing new stock will increase by the same amount of increase. At 40 percent, the cost is crippling especially those that are operating on a tight cash flow. Some stations have to pay cash before delivery of petrol. Purchase made via credit card means an additional cost had to be paid to the card company as commission and money will only be realised at least a week later.
Unlike the nasi lemak seller who can make instant adjustments by either increasing his price or reducing the quantity sold in order to maintain the price and profit margin, petrol dealers have to wait for government approval before any adjustment can be made to their profit margin. The government will eventually consider thir plight but the crucial question is when?
Though the money is good, life as a petrol dealer can be very tough. Not many of their next generation are willing to take over the business especially if they have managed to get a good education. They will find a better way of making a living. To those who don't know the business, operating one may seem like having a well full of liquid gold. I had lived that life once and though I enjoyed it very much, I dont want to be in that business for the rest of my life.
It is time for us to reflect on the folly of not using our brain to think and just reacted to the herd mentality. Such mentality should be confined to the lower beings like those that we often see on National Geographic stampeding on the plains of Safari.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Herd Mentality
Monday, June 23, 2008
Labuan Revisited Part 2 - Labuan In Pictures
A long lost friend was recently found after he read my blog about my schooldays. When he saw the email of one of us he recognized he began writing email to him. On my side I saw his email address when he commented on my blogsite. Now we are connected again though we have yet to meet since we last parted ways 40 years ago after we finished schooling in Sultan Ibrahim School Pasir Mas, Kelantan in 1968. Now my friend resides in London and is a national of the United Kingdom.
The 'bas mini' filling up behind my bike is another convenient transportation around Labuan. Fares from Taman Mutiara to Labuan town a distance of 16 km used to cost RM0.60 one way before the price of fuel shot up. I guess the fare remains for now.
On the way to town I saw this beautiful building which turned out to be the Syariah Court.
Next to it is the Mesjid Jameq Annur. A beautiful piece of architecture.
Komplek Ujana Kewangan is a shopping complex with most of the government offices within it.
The TIC Manager of Labuan.
After a brief introduction and recollection of the fair that happened two years ago, I informed Leona of what I am doing lately emphasising on blogging as my main activity.
According to her there are about 70,000 people living on the island and many residents come to work here. So just like its sister city of KL, the population of Labuan fluctuates immensely when these workers return home for the festivals.
According to their pamphlets Labuan is made up of Labuan Island and six other islets of Rusukan Kechil, Rusukan Besar, Kuraman, Daat, Papan and Burung. 15 places of interest on the island are listed on the pamphlet.Labuan town was once known as Victoria.
According to my blogger friend Nightwing you can drive around the island within an hour. That must be without seeing any of the places of interest. But yet he has never done that before.
Leona told me about a trip to Pulau Papan some ten minutes boat ride from the ferry terminal which is being organized by Perbadanan Labuan who manages the resort island of Pulau Papan. The island belongs to The mInistry of Fedarl Territory and has some accomodation facilities which was recently refurbished.The trip was planned for the next day and she suggested that I tag along if I am free. Never passing off such a an opportuinity, I promised to call her up later to confirm if I can get Lokman to nanny Balqis on Saturday while I visit Pulau Papan. (I did go to Pulau Papan that Saturday and will blog about it soon).
Upon leaving Leona's office I saw the museum directly in front of her office. To know and understand more about a place you must first visit their museum if there is one around.
Leaving the museum I walked around looking for a place to have lunch. Surprise of surprise I saw this reataurant. It was here that I had meals with my wife when we visited Labuan ten years ago. The reason being the eating place was located right behind our hotel and the food then was OK.
Upon finishing lunch I walked over to the front of the building near the restaurant. This building was where The Federal Hotel was before.
The Federal Hotel that I stayed in before is no more there now. With the change of ownership, the hotel was refurbished and now is called Klasik Hotel and it is one of the three hotels in the stable of Ambassador Hotels. The others are named Ambassador Hotel 1 and Ambassador Hotel 2. The hotel now it is totally refurbished and fitted with a lift. I remember lugging my suitcase up the stairs to the second floor room ten years ago.
The town of Labuan is clean. The streets have trees that provide cooling shades. Seats are also provided to rest those tired legs after walking around.Victoria hotel is another old hotel and another old landmark of Labuan. Remember the old name for Labuan was Victoria and if you were to use Google Earth, Victoria is clearly indicated on it.
This is the bus stand in town. Only minibus plies the roads in Labuan. Taxis are available too.
You will see many people wearing coverall in Labuan. These are provided by their employers. Most are made of Fire Retarding Compound material for their safety especially for those involved in the oil and gas industry.
Hotel Pulau Labuan is another chain of hotels in Labuan. Below is another of their new hotel being built.
I will have to continue my rediscovery of Labuan another time as I had promised Lokman that I would be home early to go to Layang Layangan to enjoy the delicious satey there.
It had rained earlier so there were not many patrons. We managed to get our order soon after we placed it.
Here are some pictures of Lokman, Balqis and me enjoying ourselves at the Layang Layangan satey joint.The satey man and his helpers.
We ordered 15 sticks and I ended up eating 10 of them and Lokman had to order chicken wings to make up for the imbalance to his share of the satey.
Balqis was ecstatic when I fed her with the flesh of a young coconut. Even young Balqis knows when something is good to eat.
I will kiss her cheek for Daphne Ling after I have cleaned up the remnants of the cocnut flesh on her cheek.
OK folks, we will see more of Labuan in the next post.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Labuan Revisited - Part 1
I was shocked when I found out that AirAsia had retimed our flight to KL from the earlier 1500 hrs to 1600 hrs. As I had another flight to catch to Labuan at 1800 hrs, the time gap of an hour was too short to enable me to collect my baggage to be checked in again for the onward flight to Labuan even though I was already within the terminal. AirAsia doesn't provide direct check in of your baggages to your final destination.
Their staff assured us that AirAsia will put us on the next day's flight to Labuan at no cost should we miss today's flight since it was their fault. They will not pay for lodging though. With that assurance I called up my son Azrin to wait for us at the LCCT incase we may have to put up the night at his place. Hey what happens if I dont have a son living near the LCCT and I have to stay overnight for the next day's flight?
Tok Ma spending the last few moments with Balqis at KB Airport. Tok Ma wont be flying with us to Labuan.
The paternal grandparents and their daughter was at the airport to send Balqis off too.
After explaining my predicament, the lady at the check in counter cooly accepted my check in and agreed to wait for my baggage to arrive. I have this feeling that her relaxed attitude with the flight due to depart with less than 30 minutes to spare could translate into another delayed flight. I don't care much if it was delayed as long as I can get on the flight.
True to my earlier hunch, the flight was delayed by half an hour, not as bad as the earlier delay in Kota Bharu. Now they have come up with an 'On Time Guarantee' whereby if you experience a delay of more than 3 hours and they fail to inform you in advance, they will compensate you with RM300. Don't get too excited about it as there are clauses that will ensure that it wont be that easy to benefit from it.
Azrin and his whole family was there to meet us. If the flight was not delayed from KB, we could have spent more time with them.
With the new Airbus 320, the journey on both sectors were super smooth. I had ordered online a meal of nasi lemak when buying my flight ticket on the KUL-LBU-KUL sectors. Lucky thing as I found myself so hungry and the quite tasty nasi lemak with al the usual condiments and a piece of 'curry chicken' was to my taste. Azini didn't want any even though I offered to buy another meal for her. I guess she prefered to wait and have dinner with her husband in Labuan.
We touched down at the new Labuan Airport at about 8.40 PM and there waiting for us was my son in law Lokman. Balqis was wheeled out in her pram and Lokman took Balqis from me at the door to the arrival hall. I tried to go back to the arrival hall to help Azini collect our baggage but was not allowed by the female security personnel who was guarding the entrance when I couldnt produce my boarding pass. After a short while Azini came out with the baggage. We drove back to their flat at Taman Mutiara, Bedaun, Labuan, Malaysia.
This airport is a new airport as I remember the old airport was much smaller when I was last here some ten years ago.
It was night and I couldn't see much of Labuan.
The next day my SIL and Azini were busy cleaning up the house. The house must be made such that anything within reach of Balqis must be stashed somewhere safer. Though she has yet to walk, she could stand up by holding on to chairs or table and just pull everything down.
Azini had to prepare to get back to college in Keningau for another 2 weeks of classes.
We left Taman Mutiara at 2.30 PM to send Azini to the International Ferry Terminal. This terminal serves the passengers going to all destinations such as Brunei, Kota Kinabalu and Menumbuk. Azini's destination was Menumbuk and the fare was RM15 by small ferries with outboard motors. Each boat will only carry 12 passengers. Anything more than that number is ilegall but up to sixteen passengers has been known to be carried by such boats.
Fares and timetables can be collected at the ticketing office. One thing special about this terminal is the announcement of arrivals and departures of ferries just like the way they do at the airport. Even final calls were made to passengers who had bought tickets but have yet to board the ferries.
The view of the International Ferry Terminal in Labuan.
At the exit of the ferry arrival hall there is displayed the places of interest in Labuan. How convenient.
After Azini had boarded the ferry we left the terminal. Lokman took me around the island and I was so excited when I saw so many places that I can come back and do some photo shoot. I wonder if I can find enough time to visit them all.Of special interest will be the birdpark, the chimney, the tunnel, peace memorial etc.
We stopped to have the best satay on the island at a place called Layang Layangan. I would choose their satay anytime over the current fare they are serving in Kajang. Their beef satey is far superior in taste. A whole young coconut will be served with the satay and the satay cost an affordable 50 sen a stick and no fat or skin will be put in between the meat as is often done in Kelantan.
Lokman and Balqis waiting for our order to come.
A whole cocnut is served with no ice or sugar added.
On the way back to Taman Mutiara we came across this sunset and I told Lokman to stop the car to enable me to take this luxuriant color of the sky over Labuan.
I waited again today for another display of colors in the sky but God created the special show to be on only on that particular Sunday evening. Who knows when the next show will be on.
My daily routine beside nannying Balqis to surf the net whenever I have the chance. If she is not asleep I will have to compete with her for the use of the laptop. She is really adept with the note book and will know which button to hit in order to alter the image on the screen. A good hit with her plam never fails to bring the result.
Balqis taking her turn at using the laptop.
Those are the account of my arrival and the first few days in Labuan. I must explore the rest of the island when I have the chance.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Remember my grand daughter Balqis who was featured in my A Bundle of Joy and later in When Will I See You Again? Well she came back some six months ago as her her mum Azini was enrolled for a Kursus Perguruan Lepasan Ijazah. Her mum who has a degree in Machanical Engineering chose to be a teacher and hence she had to undergo a one year teacher training course at a college in Keningau Sabah. Balqis's father works in Labuan some 5 hours of driving and ferry ride from Keningau.
To solve matter it was agreed that Balqis be taken care of by us in Kelantan for six months untill Azini starts her practical training hopefully in Labuan which should be near to her home. As desired she got the permission to do the practical in Labuan. So now she is back home in Pasir Mas to take Balqis to her home in Labuan. The flight home will be tomorrow morning. I will be going along with them to look after Balqis while her mum attends another two weeks of class in Keningau. Doting grandma will have to stay home as she still has to teach at school.The doting grandma has to stay back.
The period when she was under our care was such a joy that the six months seem to fly off in no time. Since my wife teaches in the morning till afternoon, Balqis was left completely under my care. Many neighbours were askance on how I manage to take care of such a baby all on my own. With Balqis being the seventh grandchildren, I more or less had six experiences with babies before her.Balqis started to learn how to crawl and went to every nook and corner of the house to explore the new world.
When the cousins Lis and As came back for her mum's delivery of baby Aqil, they enjoyed the morning walk around the village.
Balqis started early in life on learning to play with the keyboards. Hopefuly she will have a head start in IT.
Riding the bicyle with me was her favourite activity too.
She finishes her six oz of milk in no time.
That bad habit of suckling the toe was stopped by constant reprimand from us.
Of course she enjoyed shopping at the newly opened Tesco store in KB.

For more pictures of Balqis, see them here as seen from the eyes of Akmal via the lens of my Sony Alpha 350. This is one of them.

She has been seperated from her parents for so long, it is now time for her to return to them. I will miss her again soon.