A week before Hari Raya Idilfitri, the new porch which will be used for the kenduri was yet to be ready. The contractor was confident about delivering it before the wedding. He did and it was one day before Hari Raya minus the paint job. I had to do the painting myself with the help of my son and son inlaw.
The porch is now ready

The wedding procession to the bride's house.
The entourage.
The procession

The Akad Nikah
Azuan's marriage to Wan Hanizah Wan Din was solemnized on the 14th of October 2007 (My best birthday gift) at Mesjid Kg. Pauh, Pasir Mas. It was done after the Isyak prayers and was solemnised by the Imam. The 'Lafaz' needed only be done once and it was over despite the butterflies swarming in Azuam's stomach. He looked composed and confident.
' Membatalkan Air Sembahyang'
This was done when you touch your wife for the first time after being wedde and thus rendering the Abolution obselete.
The Hantaran
Gifts to the bride including the monetary gift of RM6,666. The figure is paltry compared to the RM77,777 given by a millionaire to his bride, but 6,666 is significant as it is equivalent to the number of verses in The Holy Quran.
The bride's return of gifts.
The King For The Day.
They look resplendent.
Posing for the camera

The bride is hungry.

The grand uncle reliving the moment.

The newlywed with the other siblings and their mum and dad.

The newlywed with the brides parents

With the eldest sister Azura, her hubby Joe and children

The Camerawoman Yani and husband Azrin (extreme right and extreme left) with the newlyweds.

With Lokman, the brother inlaw, sister Azini and neice Nur Aqilah Balqis.

En. Tantawi (Director of Alumni Center UiTM) his spouse Bahiah, Fatthiyah (my wife) Dr. Rohani Ibrahim (Director of Alumni Center UPM) and her spouse Dr. Yusof Salleh (Honourable Secretary UPM Alumni Association)

Datuk Mohd Nor Mashor, the Assistant Governor of Bank Negara (second from left) with the GM of Kelantan SEDC Tuan Haji Wan Yahya (in blue batik) were some dignitaries who graced the occassion.

A long lost friend Tuan Haji Zainal came for the wedding. We parted ways since 1969. Now we met again after 39 years.

Razin Irsyad guarding the presents

Curious nephew and neices anxiously waiting for the presents to be opened.
The nephew and neices helping to open the presents
The above pictures more or less tell the story of my son's wedding. It is the last wedding among my children. I hope Allah will answer my prayers that his marriage and the other siblings marriages will last forever. My wife and I has gone through for 34 years and is still going strong. Till death do we part