Two friends meeting for the first time
It was indeed a great surprise when I received a SMS message from
Zaharan Razak that he was on his way to Pasir Mas town while he was in Lubok Jong. He was on the way back from Rantau Panjang where he visited his children and put up the night there. I shot back a reply asking him to call me when he reaches Pasir Mas town.
After waiting for 30 minutes, there was no call from him. Knowing that Lubuk Jong was less than 15 km from town, I thought the fit as a fiddle Zaharan Razak whose chronological age is coming to 63 but whose physiological age is barely 50 years should be in town by then. Could he have missed my SMS and not respond to it? I decided to act and rode my Honda Cub to meet him in town. Failing to locate a cyclist with a full biking gear in such a small town as Pasir Mas was an impossible thing. So I decided to go farther to meet him by riding toward Lubok Jong along the road to Rantau Panjang.
Another SMS asking for his location failed to get any response. I stopped by at a stretch of straight road and looked hard down the road. It was impossible for a biker not to have reached the spot where I was waiting by then after such a long lapse of time from Lubok Jong.
Finally the sight of a small red flag at the tip of a small rod caught my attention. The rod was attached to a low tri cycle with who else but Zaharan Razak astride it! I called his name and he acknowledged me but later I found out that he didn't recognize me with my helmet on. Though we have never met, I know how he looks from the pictures in his blogsite. I rode my bike to his side and we shook hand while we were on each others bike. Since there was a slight drizzle falling and Zaharan started to open up his umbrella, we agreed to meet farther up for 'roti canai'.
The drizzle was getting heavier so I found an eatery where Zaharan could park his tricycle and I waited for his arrival. His arrival invited amused stares from onlookers due to the peculiar shape of his tricycle.
"You look arrogant in your photo" he said, which made my face became contorted up with surprise . "You look super friendlier in real life" he quickly added which helped to unscrew the distorted look. Ah! This man is something.
What can I say to that? Maybe
Mat Cendana or
Mat Salo can confirm or rebut those statements. Since there was no 'roti canai' at the place, we decided to have 'nasi berlauk' and consider that as lunch. Though the gravy tasted good, the beef in the dish was pretty tough. Zaharan didn't manage to finish off his food and asked to be excused.
As the rain had abated and time for the Friday prayers was near, I offered him to stay the night at my home which he accepted. After telling the where about of my home, I asked him to proceed so that I could rush home to get my camera which I didn't bring. A man on an ordinary bike wont make much of an impression. This time he looked very special indeed riding his tricycle almost lying on his back with his feet pedaling in front of him. I needed to photograph him the way he was as the slight drizzle would make him use his umbrella with the Malaysian flag clearly emblazoned on it.
Kg. Mekasar where I live provided the best backdrop for him to be photographed as there was a shop displaying second hand bicycles imported from Japan.

Zaharan was so engrossed looking at the bikes on sale that he didn't see me taking his photographs.
Thi is how his Tribike looks. It costs him a cool RM5,000 for it. It is made in Florida USA.
My SMS and calls to Mat Cendana has failed to bring a response and Zaharan was intent to meet Mat Cendana who had agreed to meet up with him via sms communication between the two of them. His phone rang but there was no answer. I was worried about Mat, so immediately after the Friday prayers we proceeded to his home in Kampong Kenjong in in the same district of Pasir Mas. We rode in a car this time as riding bicycles could take up too much time.
We were awed by the serenity and ambiance of the area around Mat Cendana's home. It was a perfect place for writers who need the quiet environment as available there.
Since no one answered our salams and call at his house and his mother in law who lives nearby couldn't shed any light on his where about, we left for home disappointed but hopeful that we could meet him sometimes before Zaharan left for Kuala Terengganu the next day. On the way back we stopped at the place where the second hand bicycles were being sold. Zaharan was surprised to find that the dealer had so many things that he requires for his bike in stock. Those that the guy didn't have could be made available the next day. He found Nexus dynamo, headlamps, Bridgestone branded rear gear hubs, umbrella brackets and a few other parts that he would otherwise have to buy online from overseas at exorbitant rate. Since we have other things to do, Zaharan promised to come back the next day to look at things he requires.
Zaharan has a class mate who lives in Kota Bharu. The last time they met was at his doctor friend's clinic in Pasir Mas some 5 years ago. Since I know Dr. Nik Azam's wife Wan Karimah quite well, I called her to find out whether the good doctor was home or not. Later after a few missed calls from Dr. Nik Azam, Zaharan managed to talk to him and we were invited to Dr. Nik Azam's place for tea.
The two friends had a great time talking to each other. Being an ex classmates at MCKK where our good friend Mat Salo was a junior there, there was always the stories of old MCKK cropping up.

Dr. Nik Azam and his wife Wan Karimah the gracious hosts.
The two old friends of the MCKK days.
Tea was a filling affair as we were served with Laksa Penang (which I had a second helping), tasty murtabak made by who else but Kak Wan herself and some fried popias with grape fruits which I found to be difficult to stop eating.

Delicious Laksa Penang made in Kelantan.

The evening wore on without us realizing it. We asked for leave and on the way home we stopped at Tesco to purchase some presents as we have to attend two 'kenduris' the next day.
I was full enough and wanted to skip dinner. I thought our guest must have felt the same as we had the same food. I made a misjudgment as Bro Zaharan won't be able to go to sleep without his plate of rice. So my wife Fatthiyah quickly cooked up some simple dishes which our guest seemed to enjoy very much. It was fortunate that we could ask our guest directly, otherwise he would have gone to bed on a growling stomach as he had agreed to some light snacks of roti canai earlier.
We retired early to bed that night. Zaharan declined my offer for him to use the internet or the Astro TV for him to watch.
I woke up early for the Subuh prayers at the surau near my house. Zaharan woke up to do his Subuh prayers in his room but continue with his sleep till late morning. By then I had completed my draft of the blog about his visit which I started immediately after coming back from my Subuh prayers.
Zaharan saw my draft of the blog at the table in front of the house while waiting for Fatthiyah to serve us with breakfast. He said he liked the draft but would enjoy it better if I could spice it up with some witticisms and some literary flavour. With just the most basic of education, all I can do is try. Like a true master, he asked me to read Writer's Digest which I am doing now. Hey this is definitely a good site.
Soon after a lady friend arrived. She was the secretary to our committee working for the coming gathering of ex classmates of Sultan Ibrahim Secondary School Pasir Mas. I introduced her to Zaharan and he had a short interaction with her. After her business with me was done and she left off, I told Zaharan that she was very very available. Zaharan's ear seemed to prick up at that news. With encouragement from the two of us, Zaharan was inspired to try his luck and explore the possibilities of establishing a firmer relationship between the two lonely souls.
We didn't have much time left as Zaharan will be leaving for Kuala Besut en route to Kuala Terengganu by noon and I have two 'kenduris' to attend. Since Mat Cendana had agreed to a meeting with Zaharan this morning, he decided to give it another try. Unfortunately Mat Cendana's phone had been off since morning making us think that he was still asleep. We decided to act so we drove to Kampung Kenjong again. The only way to meet Mat Cendana was to wake him up from his sleep, if he was asleep. We couldn't know for sure whether Mat Cendana was home or not. Our hollering and salams didn't get any response, not even the assistance of his sister in law did manage to get him to answer. I guessed only a bomb would wake him up. Either he was in too deep a slumber or he just refuse to meet us. I prefer to think that Mat Cendana was sleeping a sleep of exhaustion. Whatever the reason, Zaharan had to leave disappointed at not being able to meet Mat Cendana whom he had a very high esteem as a Malay writer in the English. Coming from such a person as Zaharan Razak being a former lecturer in mass communication at UiTM and University Malaya was indeed a respect of the highest order.
Failing to meet Mat Cendana, Zaharan did the next best thing he loves. Zaharan clicked away happily on his newly acquired Panasonic Lumix to record the beauty of the place. He even posed for a picture of himself with the yellowish Kelantan River as a background. There were two large bamboo clumps growing near the river bank. If it was in Thailand, the place could have become affordable homestays with cute little huts made of bamboo and attap roof where writers like Zaharan or even Fauziah Ismail would happily pay to stay to read books or write their masterpieces. Hey that will provide gainful employment for our friend Mat Cendana while creating jobs via local tourism.
On the way back we stopped at another bicycle shops where Zaharan again checked out things he could purchase to fit on his bike. At another place we found another tricycle with articulated section between the rider and the rear wheels. As such on a banked corners, the body of the rider will tilt sideways while the two rear wheels will remain in contact with the road surface resulting in stability even though the bike has a high center of gravity compared to the one Zaharan was riding.
The articulate tricycle.
We returned home as Zaharan had to pack up. Meticulously he packed his things into the two dry bags which he clipped to the side of the small carrier at the back. Everything was finally securely tied down with rubber straps.
Giving the Tribike a try. I could do with a headrest.
It was time for him to move on with his next journey to his place of birth Jertih where he will put up the night. It was sad to see this new found friend leave. He vanished from view when he turned the corner.

Zaharan starting off for home.

Bye bye.

He went out of sight as he turned the corner.
In my heart I know it won't be the last sight of him. If he were to pursue the heart of the lady who came a visiting earlier in the morning, he will be coming again. It would be nice to see these two lonely persons unified in marriage. I will play matchmaker. Nothing is impossible!