It was the end of a hectic day for me and my wife Fatthiyah after the day was spent attending kenduris. Six in all with four of them in Pasir Mas and two in Kota Bharu. Add to that my cousin's husband died that night in Gunung, Bachok and we were on our way back from Bachok when I received a call from Pak Adib. Pak Adib who is from Beris Kubur Besar and often use his nick Berisman, was back in Kelantan for a holiday. He suggested that we meet up for breakfast somewhere the next day at the White House to which I agreed immediately since I will be sending my son Azuan and his wife Ijjah to the KB Airport for his flight home to KL in the morning and will be free after that.
On the way to the airport the next morning I purposely took the route along Jalan Pos Office lama to show Azuan and Ijjah the new yet to be opened Pelangi Mall and the already opened Ridel Hotel which belongs to a friend of mine by the name of Dr. Mazlan Abdullah which I have yet to meet. Upon reaching the intersection to Desa Sri Chemerlang I saw this new Kopitiam by the name of Hayaki Kopitiam. This joint is a new place and I have read about it since someone has featured about it in the Star sometime earlier. The joint was owned and operated by a local chinese.
After my son had entered the departure lounge I called Pak Adib telling him that I was proceeding to The White House and he agreed to do the same immediately and we should be able to meet up at the white house sometime about 9 AM. I wanted to change the meeting place but i feared that Pak Adib being more of a KLite than a Kelantanese may not be able to find the kopitiam since it was new and yet to be popular among the locals.
When Pak Adib arrived at the White House, I had already managed to secure a table for four and waited for his arrival. The place was so popular that there were always people waiting to be seated. There were long tables where you can share with other people but I prefer that we have a table of our own.
Luck was on his side and he managed to find a parking lot right in front of the White House. Recognizing me from my picture he held up one hand to indicate that he had noticed me while he was still inside his gleaming black Myvi. I know Pak Adib is a successful business man and he could have driven any of his big expensive cars but I guess driving a smaller car in Kota Bharu during a school holiday was a better choice since a bumper to bumper crawl on a road in town was a normal thing during such times.
His wife whom he called Na came with him. She looks young and beautiful. Being an engineer he must have secured himself a prized catch for a wife. She came from this area near the White House.Pak Adib with his wife. The White House kopitiam was full on that day.
We ordered some coffee, toast ala White House (the bread is slit on the side for the cheese to be inserted inside it) with kaya and cheese, half boiled eggs tuck in our breakfast. Pak Adib had an extra nasi berlauk.
Before long our topic of conversation shifted to photography and we brought out each others toy. He brought both his compact Ixus and EOS 400D both of which are from Canon. Seeing the 400D reminds me of KBguy who uses the same camera. Whatmore do you expect will happen? Some photo shoot in the crowded coffee shop of course! I was anxious to catch the ambience of the crowded and famous White House coffee shop, famous for all those things that we ardered.
The place was so crowded and noisy that I could hardly hear what Pak Adib was talking about. My clogged up ear channel may have contributed to the problem but I guess it was more due to the noise. I told Pak Adib since we have finished our breakfast and there are people waiting around to be seated, we should be making a move and suggested that the next time we meet we do it at a new kopitiam with free wifi. At the mention of wifi, Pak Adib being a technical man and so used to have such technologies around, was all ears to the suggestion. He suggested that we took a ride in his Savvy has as he had something to show me. He asked me to take the front passenger seat so that I could show him the way which I did though I can't describe exactly where the place was located. The gadget that he wanted to show me was a GPS based unit which will show almost exactly the location we were at that time to the accuracy of plus or minus 5 meters, I think it was more minus than plus. The GPS was a Garmin Nuvi 200. A very small gadget costing RM1300 but packed with so much features that will put to shame any earlier older models. This gadget could do more than show your coordinates.Garmin Nuvi 200 in Pak Adib's car infront of Ridel Hotel Kota Bharu. Ridel Hotel can now be located on the Garmin system.
Since we were passing by Ridel Hotel which is a new hotel, Pak Adib tried to see if it was already added to the system. It wasn't and so he added it and later he would share it with all Garmin users. He tried to locate the Kopitiam that we were going to but I made the mistake of pronouncing the name as Hikaya and not Hayaki as the correct name. When we reached Hayaki there it was shown on his Garmin that we were parked on ground zero. Hayaki was noted on his Garmin as Kopitiam with wifi. A look at Hayaki and we knew that this will be the place for bloggers to meet. Just bring your toys with wifi connectivity and you will be connected to the world.
I forgot to take a picture of Hayaki Kopitiam so I will add the picture later when I have it.
My car was parked near the White House and to show the prowess of his Garmin, Pak Adib set the location to go to as the White House. We were led to the White Hose and since the data was not updated to the latest road closure, we were directed to take turns to closed road. Of course we ignored the instruction and later instructions were spot on. We reached the White House and we said goodbye.
I have often spoken on the phone to Dr. Mazlan Abdullah, the owner of Ridel Hotel which I have mentioned in one of my blogs on Kota Bharu in Pictures but we have never met. Since I was already in the area, I gave him a call and he immediately returned to Ridel Hotel from his clinic in Tanjung Chat, a place on the way to Pengkalan Chepa.Dr. Mazlan. Together with his wife they own Ridel Hotel, Kota Bharu.
So if this is the young enterpreneur who owns this 77 rooms spankingly new Ridel Hotel. Dr. Mazlan has often travelled all over the world and he knows what sort of room and price will sell in Kota Bharu. I don't think he was wrong. in his vision. This young man will be an entrepreneur to watch. To see more of the hotel or even to book a room, please click on Ridel Hotel on my side bar somewhere on this page. I saw the room myself and I am quite happy with it. My only complain is that the guests don't exit the lift to enter the hotel lobby for checkout as often is the case in a hotel. He may have his reasons for that.
Excusing myself I returned home happy that I have met two new friends.
While typing this blog, Hilmi Hamzah, another new aquaintance I was suposed to meet for the first time called to say that he coudn't make it as he would be leaving that very night for Scudai where he works. Otherwise I would have met three new friends. Well there is always another time.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Meeting Two New Friends
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Ohhh tu lah owner Ridel hotel yer Pak.. muda lagi orangnya.
Muda lagi la. Masih banyak lagi harta dia boleh buat kalau permulaan sudah bagus begitu. Elviza tolong support dengan cara word of mouth to your lawyer friends.
Semoga satu masa nanti Elviza juga akan jadi business lady berjaya.
Pak Zawi,
GPS system is handy these days. I don't know how the service is; whether with Telecom company or directly under the manufacturer. I read somewhere before (Lifehacker I guess) that three Wireless points can be used to locate a Wi-Fi enabled device (I guess that was the gist of it) hence act like GPS on Google Earth. Quite unlikely to be used in Kelantan, but I think having KL fully Wi-Fi covered, it is applicable there.
But then again people are more opted to such devices; you know, internet crashes :(
So that is the hotel owner.
Medical Practitioner + Hotel Owner = Big Bucks Maker :)
Have a nice day.
Thanks for the info and more thanks for the new look of Life As I See It. Now Gurindamjiwa shouldnt be complaining anymore about having to scroll down when reading my blog.
That's Dr. Mazlan, a soft spoken medical doctor who dare to venture. Should he succeed, the sky is the limit for him. We wish him all the success. I bet our future Dr. Akmal will be as successful. Everyone has a place provided you are willing to work for it.
Pak Zawi,
Care to provide the exact address & phone number for Ridel Hotel? My friends always asks for a place to stay in Kelantan be it for business or leasure.
I can promote Dr Mazlan's Hotel anytime anywhere.
Hi Zawi,
The last time we went (the whole family, meaning my parents, adik beradik & in-laws) to Kota Bharu was 20 years ago when my youngest brother, Kamal, got married to a beautiful girl from Kampung Melor. We stayed at Hotel Perdana.
And whenever I had an assignment in Kota Bharu way back in the 80s as a journalist with the Star, that was where I stayed - Hotel Perdana.
There wasn't much choice then. Kota Bharu has grown since and there are many facilities now - in terms of accommodation available to tourists.
Sure will look up for this new hotel, if and when I go to Kota Bharu.
Just click on Ridel Hotel under Kelantan Hotels on my sidebar and you will be led to their website. It is a comprehensive website and bookings can be done online.
Thank you for the support.
Anyway here is the URL to their website.
Kak Ton,
That was a long time ago. For your infor Perdana Hotel is closed for renovation for a year since May. The hotel was bought by PNB from SEDC Kelantan. The hotel will open up again under a different management with a new look and ambience. Over the years the hotel had lost its lustre and the renovation was timely.
The room numbers will be increased with the completion of Kelantan Trade Center behind it where the condominiums will be turned into condotel as part of the hotel.
Please comeback and I offer you and Abang Ruslani my service as your guide in Kelantan.
Will be too happy to show you the real Kelantan that is never seen by the tourists eyes.
Dear Pak Zawi,
Thanks. My mistake not noticing it early. No worries, if anyone ask about a hotel in KB, I'll ask them to look for a certain Ridel Hotel.
I think you're promoting Kelantan better than the people at Kelantan tourism agency lah...
Last time I went to KB was some time in 2003/2004 to visit my nephew in HUSM. Stayed at Crystal Lodge. Now dia pun dah grad, so don't know lah bila pulak nak pergi lagi...
Alat GPS tu memang berguna sangat-sangat terutamanya jika kita ke luar kawasan. Bulan lepas, saya sekeluarga ke Pulau Pinang. Dalam keadaan buta jalan, kami selamat juga sampai dengan bantuan alat tu (adik punya).
By the way, Hakaya ke Hayaki? Kalau kedai yang singboardnya warna koko betul-betul di cabang empat tu kedainya bernama Hayaki. Atau ada kedai lain?
owner ridel hotel tu from SMS Machang class of 86 (if I'm not mistaken)- dan rasonya pernah bertugas kat HUSM kubang kerian.
BTW, his consultant for the hotel is one of my friend by the name of Zaidi (former manager at Rennaisance Hotel KB)
Salam Pak Zawi
I stayed at the New Pacific Hotel (when I went to Kota Baru for a cousin's wedding) and Renaissance Kota Baru on my road trip.
Now I would have a new place to stay, Ridel Hotel.
Thanks for the info.
keno komen pulok sakni tk ingat nk letok.
lamonyo tok jupo nga abedib dan kak na. ambo dulu pernah kerija nga abedib dlm tahun 1992 gitu. dah lebih 16 thn doh tapi tgk wajah abedib tok beruboh langsung walaupun dah 16 thn tak bertemu.
p/s kopitiam kat jln seri cemerlang tu nama Hayaki Kopitiam
Pak Zawi,
Blog dengan wajah baru & camera pun baru.Akmal said look cool so I kena lah tukar juga wajah blog I.
Tapi asal kan orang rumah jangan yang baru pulak..he he..
Please help to promote his hotel in whatever way you can. We will be doing it ust to help a friend to realize his dream.
I am just doing my bit for my state.
Ain't it about time for you to pay Kelantan another visit?
Nik Baharum,
If you drive alot while travelling, it is definitely wise to invest in the GPS. I was coming back from Bachok on 1st Jun and when I reached KL (Kedai Lalat) I was confused and had to ask direction to go back to Kota Bharu. So much has changed in KL that even a local like me can get confused.
Thanks for correcting me on the real name of Hayaki and I have made corrections to my blog. What the eyes saw didn't register in the brain and a 58 year old brain doesn't help much. High time to format my brain I guess.
pak zawi ..
now wiki dah ada online dictionary
try browse to
Welkam ke blog hamba. Dua dari 4 orang anak Pak Zawi juga bekas pelajar SMS Machang, iaitu Azura dan Azrin. Mereka dari tahun-tahun yang kemudian.
Memangnya dia pernah bertugas di HUSM.
Your friend Zaidi must be a great manager to be appointed as consultant for such a hotel. His experience as a former manager of such an established hotel as The Renaissance must have given him good stature among hoteliers.
The executive room at Ridel is being offered at RM147 nett. for the duration of Visit Kelantan Year 2008. You must request for a room with full internet connection as only 12 rooms has such facilities which are provided free to the room guests. Call me to help you incase upon check in you are not provided with such facilities and I will personaly request Dr. Mazlan to accord you with it. The room view from the riverside is fantastic even with the reddish teh susu colour of the water.
Anyway Dr. Mazlan reads this blog so he will note you as a writer/blogger who could contribute immensely in the promotion of his hotel.
Rasonya Abedib masih ado di Beris. Kalu nak jumpo gi la ghumahdia. Kalu nak no telefon dia email ko saya nanti saya bui.
Aloh takpo nyo kalu komen banyok pun. Ruange in free jah.
Kalau nak tukar wajah blog baru boleh minta tolong Akmal buat kan. Untuk upahnya tanya dia apa saya kasi pada dia hehehehe.
Blog berwajah baru, kamerabaru, bini lama juga hahahaha.
Begheh. Uptodate sokmo la sayo dengan bantuan demo kekekeke.
yours is a very nice blog to read
owh that's the owner of ridel hotel ye... so young yet sooo successful
ridel's quite hot these days, i suppose because it's the newest in town
it's quite hard to get reservation
little dewa,
Welcome to uncle's humble blogsite.
Yes Dr. Mazlan is the co owner. The other owner is ofcourse his wife.
It is the school holiday season and with Perdana Hotel closed for renovation, Ridel Hotel came in just in time. Location wise, it is superb with great view of the river.
Try to book early as you can book online and effect payment immediately, it is very convenient.
zawi, that is bloggerhood. We are a new species who could meet in both world, the cybersphere and the real world. Have a nice day and take care.
Hi Pak Zawi,
Aiks...Apasai tukar decor? I wish my dad would get a GPS system...He never asks for directions! He won't stop the car, so we can't ask either =(
Which reminds me of this joke I heard:-
Q: Why do the human body produce only one ovum, and millions of sperms?
A: Cos sperms, like men, don't ask for directions. So better make alot, in hopes that ONE will get to the destination!
Oops, that will be "Why DOES the human..."
Pak idrus,
You were the first blogger that I met. Now meeting fellow bloggers become so exciting that I look foward to such an event. Face to face meeting will seal the seal of friendship among us. I bet you will be meeting many bloggers around Boston as definitely there will be lots of fans of In Passing Malaysian around there.
I have to change decor because Gurindam Jiwa was complaining about having to scroll all the way down to read my long posts hehehe. Akmal did the job for me and I have yet to pay him hahahaha.
Just buy your dad a GPS as a Father's day present or his birthday's present. He will love it. Hopefully he wont get distracted from his driving.
Your analogy of the male sperms is very funny hehehe. I think the sperms only know how to move in one direction so they cant be lost. So far I havent seen any that went the wrong way and start jumping out from their cosy home after being released. I think the only difference is the speed one arrive at the chequered flag and race is stopped the minute a winner is established. Exactly as they do it in F1 race.
Don't be unduly worried about grammars. Such mistakes are insignificant and of no consequence. I dont even know which is the right one. I take it that your corrected one is the right one so I thank you for this lesson in English.
now that u've pointed it out
that GPS thingy, woudnt it b a distraction? i mean... driving does need concentration & with that thing hanging there... does it beep? if it does... lagi la i could get easily distracted... hihihi...
but being around town & everywhere else with a very chirpy little one, i think i could handle GPS!
so u are in pasir mas, aye? maybe one fine day i could pay u a visit :)
salam pak
kb has really developed . during my time there were only 3 hotels - perdana , kencana inn & temenggong .
how i cherished the memories there and how i long for a trip there .
40 years is along time but kb will forever be in my heart .
for now london is home .
Anonymous (Suhaimi Jaafar),
Those days there were definitely not many hotels there. Remember we have Sin Ah Hotel in Pasir Mas in front of the railway station? Our classmate Lee Kew Pee a successful businessman now bought over the place and built a shop selling electrical goods on the site.
I will be blogging about Our Pasir Mas soon and you will deinitely find it nostalgic. Pasir Mas should be more nostalgic as we spent 5 years of our life there. Ahh there is so much to remininsce. Why not come back one day for a holiday? Oh by the way did you remember Nazri Hamzah? He passed away several years ago due to pancreatic cancer.
Most of our classmates are retired now.
One of the Friendly Companies on my side bar i.e. M - I Biotech Sdn Bhd is co owned by our former classmate Hj Ashaari Amin (Yee Body). Azini Capital is owned by a cyber friend Nick Habgood from London too.He is thinking of coming for a holiday in Malaysia soon.
it's nice to be a blogger, right ? you make friends with alot of people. That's wonderful.
You can only meet up fellow bloggers if you make an effort to meet them. To me meeting a new friend is always fun as you know for sure that we have things in common to share.
Pak Adib is using EOS 400D too and I like the feel. Akmal is dreaming of buying the new EOS 450D but with a twin lens. I am going to meet Akmal in Pasir Mas today to let him see and feel my new toy hehehehe.
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