This post is long overdue since Aidilfitri was celebrated on 1st Syawal which fell on 1st October 2008. Nevertheless the need to share with you all how we celebrated Aidilfitri within our family. Many non Moslems would want to know how we do it as most people would only envision us feasting on all the good food served during the celebration.
Personally I would consider the celebration to have begun on Hari Membuat Ketupat (Ketupat Making Day) which is a day before. In our case it was on Tuesday 30th September 2008. It was really fun teaching the children how to do this traditional delicacy.Even Balqis helped in by keeping us entertained while making the ketupat.
Since this was the last day of fasting, the nightly Terawih prayers ceased and tonight we did the Takbir (recital of praises to Allah) after the Isyak prayers.
First Day
The morning of the Raya started with the Subuh prayers. Upon returning home we took our bath and prepared for the Idulfitri prayers which will be done at 8.30 AM at our small surau. I prefer to do it at the small surau because I know most of the people in the congregations since they are mostly my neighbours. I could have gone to the mosque with an even bigger congregation but only very few of them will be known to me.
One thing that never failed to amaze me, more people will come out to pray for this prayer which is a sunat (one will be rewarded with pahala if one were to do it) even though they didn't do the five daily prayers which is a wajib (one will be penalised if one even misses it).
Here we are on our way to the surau. Azini has to look after Balqis so she couldn't make it while Lokman chose to go to the mosque.
When we reached the surau, they were already doing the Takbir and so we just joined them. The ladies were segregated and prayed in the back section of the congregation.
When the prayers were done, which is actually a short one and led by Ustaz Zawawi Zakaria, a graduate from Azhar University of Egypt. He later delivered the sermons. The sermon is an important part of the prayers. The Imam exhort us through it to be good muslims. Since it was a prepared text from Majlis Ugama Islam Kelantan, it didn't miss taking a swipe at the Federal Government over it's policy on youth development. Even the Jom Heboh and Akademi Fantasia on TV was mentioned as a form of bad influence. Well it is up to us individually to digest the sermon.The best part of a Raya prayers is when we salam with each and every individual congregation who were present. It is the opportunity to reestablish broken ties among us.
We returned home and now it was our turn to ask for forgiveness among the family. Well of course we had to start the ball rolling. The children followed.
The family photograph was taken. Since only son Azuan and daughter Azini came home with their spouses, it wasn't really a big family.
The family of my sister inlaw from Kota Bharu came quite early.
This is the first arrival. Mohd Quoyum aspires to be a Mufti. He had manage to commit to memory the Surrah Yasin while still at a young age. By now he has added a few more surrah.
They were the first to sample our servings.
My house was at a dead end road, so parking was quite a problem.
We moved on to my mother in law's place.
Azuan paying respect to the maternal grandmother.
Fatthiyah's cousin is married to a Syrian who teaches Arabic at the International Islamic University Campus in Kelantan.
Haleeza reads my blogs and requested that I put her picture in it.
We went next door to the siter's place.
By the time we reached my sister's place (below), there wasn't anymore room in our stomach for another bite.
The Third Day
Salam Pak Zawi,
Terima Kasih atas sudi nya Tuan berkongsi berRaya sakan di sana.
Kami di sini(KCH) sama je..tapi jangan hairan orang Sarawak wajib Kek Lapis S'wak haha bukan murah mahal lagi tu, kan membazir???Tapi di rumah saya tak ada lah..simple yg penting kita zairah ke rumah kaum kerabat.
Btw I enjoy reading yr blog.
Pak Zawi,
Takde tripod stand ke? Boleh juga guna self timer join family photo...
It was your request that made me do it. I tahnk you for asking me to do it otherwise I would have considered it as overtaken by events.
pi bani,
Semuanya ada. Cuma segalanya huru hara nak himpunkan yang kecik dan yang besar. Yang ada gambar saya pun ada cuma tak masukkan dalam blog jer.
Pak Zawi,
Memang padat sungguh jadual raya Pak Zawi ya, Dari hari membuat ketupat lagi. Tak sangka pulak Pak Zawi pandai buat ketupat palas.
Memang padat Hari Raya kami. Membuat ketupat adalah amalan dalam keluarga Pak Zawi dahulu dan sebenarnya ini adalah kali pertama Pak Zawi cuba buat sendiri. Alhamdulillah jadi juga ketupat tersebut.
Sampai tak larat makan? Ish ish ish~~~ :)
I guess my family members don't really fancy making ketupat daun palas. We bought them from some family, usually my makcik from Kampung Bakat.
But you can rest assure that there'll always tapai around during the whole Raya. I don't eat tapai though haha.
Memang tak larat makan sebab jarak makan antara satu rumah ke satu rumah cuma tak sampai sejam. Tiap rumah ada makanan berbeza dan semuanya lazat belako.
We did the ketupat daun palas as a family activity. It is quite fun.
Abe Awi
Happy belated 52nd B-day... Tak dae lagi nak arrange jupo Abe Awi somewhere in KB..
-wan- (aka sangkelate)
Hi Zawi,
You must have had a lovely time meeting up with all your relatives and friends over the Raya. And yes, what full days! I don't know how you did it! But you must have enjoyed it, because you all look so happy and smiling in every photo :)
Some of the traditions - whether religious or cultural - are good: like the one where you ampun each other at the start of the day. That is excellent. It helps clean the slate and let by-gones be by-gones, and you can all look forward to another year of peace.
kawae dok ssini beraso kenyae baco semuo benda pok wi makae tuh...
ghama tu keluargo...!! meriah sakae..
wan (mercu),
Terima kasih kerana memudakan saya 6 tahun. Hati rasa muda begitu tapi badan tidak pula hehehe.
Tidak ada masalah nak berjumpa, tunggu laptop saya dikembalikan sehari dua ini kita jumpa la di Hayaki Desa Cemerlang.
It was indeed very hectic. Anyway we will always smile for the camera however tired we were.
I don't think we need to wait for such an occassion to forgive one another. It should be done whenever there is a need to do so, especially after a friendly quarrle?
Terima kasih la kerana mengunjung ke rumah dan juga ke blog. Besar rasa hati ambo.
Memang kalu kita semua berhimpaun pada satu tempat akn berasa ghama terutama apabila segala anak cucu ada.
Pak Zawi - alaahai, seronoknya baca pak zawi punya raya. visit sana, visit sini, makan brmacam2. saya dengan pak abu kat KL takda apa. pagi sembahyang raya, then makan bersama2 anak2, and thats it. my adik beradik beraya dirumah inlaws since mak baru meninggal may lepas. anak2 beraya rumah ayahnya. saya tengok pak abu, pak abu tengok saya, pastu kami tengok TV..LOL
Begitulah perbezaan beraya di bandar dan di kampung. Oleh kerana itulah orang orang bandar seperti KL akan berhijrah untuk pulang beraya di kampung kerana ia lebih bermakna. Apabila masa nak pulang ke bandar semuanya liat.
Makan minum di hari Raya merupakan perkara kecil sahaja keranaberapa banyak sangat yang kita boleh makan. Yang sedih sikit ialah apabila sedara mara yang tak sempat diziarahi akan menegur kita kerana tak datang beraya di rumah mereka terutama sekali yang kurang berada. Untungnya mereka sebelum Raya kami telah menziarahi mereka untuk menghulurkan duit zakat jadi mereka tak la terasa sangat apabila kami tak menziarahi mereka di Hari Raya.
Nothing beats beraya di kampong, Pak! I don't think I will ever, not in this lifetime at least, will I ever, ever savor the joy of a Kampong Raya again. Especially after the passing of nenek. Perhaps I should go look for a kampong and start one...
At least I can experience it vicariously in your blog...
Say if you were to 'adopt' a kampong, and should be under two hours by car from KL, where would it be? Any recommendations?
Mat Salo,
Beside the look of a kampong, it is the family atmosphere that brings about the greatness of Raya. If I were to look for one, find a family that you could adopt as your own. Be a part of this family. There are many villages in Kajang or Rawang that has the kampong atmosphere and not very far from KL. I believe many families would have you as a foster family.
Pak Z,
actually i dont mind the minute detail, especally on the ketupat making day. to me, the best part about syawal begins right after our last iftar of the year. maybe becos we're sad to leave ramadhan and at the same time anticipated with joy that raya is just a day away.
thanks for sharing sir. lovely pics as always.
So happy to have shared with you this post.
Salam Pak Zawi.
Correction... :)
Che Man... instead of Che Mamat
The KL Traveler... instead of Kelantan Traveler.
What a cool Hari Raya you have there... :)
"Bore to death"? Don't worry about this when writing your blog - anyone who feels this has the choice of clicking on to some other link:-) It's different from a conversation - yang ni orang tak boleh nak lari.
BTW it doesn't matter if it's three weeks from the first day of Raya. The "memories" - yang ni saya rasa penting untuk blog.
My apologies for the glaring mistakes. I will amend it ASAP. Thank you.
Thank you for the understanding. There is always something positive coming from you.
Yesterday my monitor reached the end of its life after 5 years with me when I bought it from a second hand shop. Today I bought a 20 in acer LCD monitor which set me back some RM600 plus another RM90 for a new DVD RW and an additional RM250 for a 1 Gigabyte RAM. Ahhh the old DDR RAM is so costly when compared to the DDR2 ones. That is how much debt I have just incurred today. Now I want you to help me get some money from advertisements. Can't be doing it for free anymore hahahahaha.
I miss the occasions....fair tetap kena fair....nxt yr balik beraya kt kelantan.....huhuhu.....
It was your choice. You could be with us for Aidilfitri if you have chosen to.
Anyway we missed your family and Angah's family. If everybody was there it would have been a memorable occassion indeed.
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