From the sea off the coast of Terengganu I am taking you next to the lush tropical jungle of Taman Negara Kuala Koh. An unfamiliar name to you? To some yes but to the anglers who had been religiously coming back for more fishing, Taman Negara Kuala Koh is a heaven for them. Ever since it was opened in 1995, the only entry to Taman Negara via Kelantan has been a popular fishing point for the most sought after fish called kelah or by its scientific name of tor tambroides. Known for its figthing spirit as well as delicious flesh, anglers will brave whatever the jungle have in store for them for a go after them for the sheer pleasure of it. A live fry fetches more money by the grams than a dead one by the kilogram. That is how precious they are as an aquarium fish.
Actually I was on a mission to Taman Negara to write something about this 1013 sq kms of jungle which is part of the larger Taman Negara covering a total of 4343 sq kms straddling the corners of Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan. Pahang has the lion share of 2477 sq kms and Terengganu the remaining 853 sq kms.
Puan Bariah of Global Media Channel Kota Bharu branch engaged me to do a story of Taman Negara Kuala Koh for a soon to be published magazine to be called Qiadah belonging to the Kelantan State Government. I wonder if I am up to it to do a job which I have never done before.
Leaving my Pasir Mas home early on the morning of 30th August 2007, I did manage to reach Taman Negara Kuala Koh's resort office in time for lunch. A detour through the Felda Aring's oil palm plantations made the distance from my home in Pasr Mas to be 196 km and requires 3 hours of travel due to the poor road condition in the plantation. Anyway we managed to reach the resort in one piece without any mishap.Ample signages to show the way.
Since my days with Kesedar, I have been somehow associated with Taman Negara Kuala Koh. One way of association was for me to bring guests to Taman Negara either for fishing or to enjoy the facilities and the jungle ambience, I have to do this due to the nature of my job as the manager of a travel company belonging to my employer. That was when the resort was newly opened in 1995. So going there again now isn't really something unfamiliar to me.The Park's office
The resort has changed so much for the better since the days of old. The change was for the better. It seems to be better maintained and most facilities were in good shape. There seems to be additional buildings in the form of a hall with audio visual facilities, a new guesthouse, the hanging bridge reopened after the last great flood which damaged its structure due to crashes by floating logs, the 300 meters canopy walkway is serviceable again, the trails being upgraded and sufficient wooden boats to cater for the many anglers who prefer to find their own place to cast their rods. That is great changes! A new bridge has replaced the rickety wooden one at its very entrance too.The first thing you have to do upon arrival is to register at the Park's office. If you are tired you can stand on one leg and rest the other leg rest like this fellow did.
Checking into chalet number 4, I found the beds to be of much better quality than previously. The attached restroom has been refurbished too. This is comfortable by any standard especially at a rate of RM50 pernight per chalet.This how the chalet looks from the outside.
Comfortable beds inside with attached bathroom.
The dorms has 74 beds. Ample sleeping facilities for bigger group
If you are the outdoor types you can always sleep in tents and they have proper camping sites with sheltered cooking places.
With my wife tagging along we registered at the parks office and paid our entrance fee of RM1.00 each and a camera fee of RM5.00 a unit. If I have brought a fishing tackle that would cost me RM10.00 each and both lasts for a month. After paying for the chalet rental of RM50.00 and a deposit of RM30.00 we checked into the chalet. We did not waste too much time in the chalet as I need to start looking around and taking pictures.
We crossed the suspension bridge spanning the Lebir River and there you are, we were in the jungle of Taman Negara.Across the river via the suspension bridge you can find the Canopy Walkway, The Ficus Trail, Impian Hide, Rafflessia Trail and Sinar Rapids
Walking across the suspension bridge is no problem because unlike the canopy walkway, it is very stable.
I wanted to take some pictures of The Ara Trail over there but didn't quite manage to do it when my wife freaked out after seeing a friendly leech had managed to attach itself to one of her foot. I had to send her back to the chalet after picking the leech from her foot. Leaving her at the chalet I proceeded to the Parks Office and met the Ranger to request permission to take some photographs at the canopy walkway at 5.00 PM.
A new group of anglers arrive and they wanted to proceed immediately to the fishing spot upon registration. Zaki the boatman allowed me to ride with them to the spot. I grabbed the opportunity.A group had brought along a nest of crickets to be used as bait for fishing.
Anxiously waiting to take the boat ride.
Enjoying the boat ride
View along the way
Cikgu Rosli putting the bait to his tackle.
An angler at his favourite spot.
He caught a kelah
How not to be captivated by the tranquility of the jungle?
This is where and how they spend the night. They are truly nature lovers.
On the return trip I saw this monkey scampering away from his perch. He must have been fishing too when we pass by.
Back at the resort I met up with Nik Nora and asked for some pictures from her.Nik Nora the resort manager transfered some pictures to my pen drive. The following pictures were given by her. Looking on are the two boatman Zaki(standing) and Mat (sitting)
A new baby being born among the Batik tribe that lives in the jungles of Taman Negara (Photo by Nik Nora)
Do you think he can tell the time? (Photo by Nik Nora)
A lady of the Batik tribe. (Photo by Nik Nora)
Some games they are playing (Photo by Nik Nora)
Having a whale of a time bathing in the river. (Photo by Nik Nora)
A picture of herself on the canopy walkway (Who took this shot of her?)
This rafflessia flower is courtesy of Jabatan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara
Merdeka Day was observed at the Resort.
When 5.00 PM came, The Park Ranger En. Khairol Ridzuan took me to the canopy walkway across the river.The track to the canopy walkway. This is part of the Ficus (Ara) Trail.
The entrance to the canopy walkway is locked. You will have to request permission to walk on it.
Ranger Khairol Ridzuan came with me for the ride. To him I am forever indebted.
Pictures of Taman Negara Kuala Koh.Wild fruits that seems to be so succulent. Since the fruits were not eaten by the wild animal, it is best to leave the fruits alone. They could be poisonous.
Abandone rafts along the river. The orang asli will raft down the river to the resort and walk back home upstream. So the recent increase in price of fuel didn't hurt them at all.
My friend Roy, Lan and Boy of the Batik tribe.
At least once in your life time you must come and experience the jungle. Man's greed will ensure that it wil not be here forever to wait for you.
For those who are interested to visit Taman Negara Kelantan, please contact: Nik Nora Hiryani (Manager)
Resort Taman negara Kelantan
+6012 9654788
She can arrange transport from Gua Musang if you are not driving to the resort. She has packages for you to select.
Read more of Taman Negara Kuala Koh by En. Azam here.
For more informations about all the Taman Negara please contact En. Azam of Greenpark Adventure by visiting his website
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Taman Negara Kuala Koh, Gua Musang, Kelantan
Taman Negara Kelantan
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This is my first glimpse of Taman Negara in Kelantan! How ignorant of me ... aware of only the other Taman Negara in Pahang! This place looks like something not to be missed, with enough activities to keep everyone in the family occupied. Thanks for sharing!
Cant blame you. Lack of publicity and the difficulty of getting there doesn't help. Hopefully more effort by bloggers will make the place more popular. With the second third east-west roadway passing by the place soon, it will become more popular.
Salam PakZawi,
Lepas buka puasa sembahyang etc etc.Kurang sehat jadi skip terawih buka blog kawan-kawan.
Wow..pure nature kat KualaKoh..bila agak nya boleh sampai sana..btw thank for sharing & selamat berpuasa.
Waah, boleh rancang merayap ni. Me is in kinda adventurous mode right now, and I have some angler and strANGLER, DSLR sniper friends who might have interest hehe. But we should make a proper arrangement first. :)
Alamak banyaknya tempat nak pergi....
Ini lah hutan yang mungkin kekal disemenanjung untuk dinikmati oleh generasi akan datang. Hutan lain akan habis ditebang.
Kalau datang sini bolehla pergi ke pulau atau Taman Negara. Pelancung asing tahu mana satu mereka akan kunjungi jadi mereka terus tuju kesana.
Selamat berpuasa.
if ade small kid ok ke g tpt ni? the resort seems comfy enuf... ade waterfall x? is food easily found? all the activities included in the package ke camne?
semua kawan Akmal jenis apa pun akan enjoy di Kuala Koh. Cuma internet tak baik sangat.
Selamat berpuasa.
little dewa,
Waterfall tak adacuma jeram. Kiddy playing area adalah. Rasanya tak ada masalah untuk bawa anak kecil. Nanti saya letak URL untuk pakej yang dibuat oleh operator resort.
Salam Pak Zawi
Somehow I would want to keep places like these a secret, just among friends!
Thank you nevertheless for introducing us to places off the beaten track.
By the way, any chance of you writing about the Orang Asli tribe? It would be an interesting read.
In a way it is a commercial concern so there is no way it will remain a secret.Only that they may limit the number of visitors so that the carrying capacity of the place wont be breached.
There is a chance that I may write about the tribe but to really do justice I must stay in with the tribe which under the circumstances may not be possible. I had once slept among them in the jungle for a night when they allowed me to bring 3 tourists who wanted to experience a jungle life with the aborigines. I can always try but being 200 kms away it is quite difficult to establish rapport with them.
Maybe you can do it for NST?
lovely pics pak Z. enjoyed all especially the river. perfect place for picnic. the last time went to a waterfall, i was determined to be soaked in the river stream. not quite wheelchair-accessible, but as i said, by hook or by crook i must. and so my cousins and friends carried me up and put me down the river bank. i was ecstatic. makan, minum semua dalam sungai, sampai time nak balik.
Seem like more & more people knowing this part of Taman Negara. Best promotion is spread out by mouth. I've been several times since 8 years ago. Lots of change. Always getting better.
Latest being here with Richard traveler writer from Rough Guide. Trying to promote this place instead of over-developed Kuala Tahan. Check it up these travel blog:
I am afraid nature aren't friendly to wheelchair bound people. Human didn't make it any easier too even for the more established Taman Negara Kuala Tahan. All the slopes to this river is pretty steep so there is no way for you to enjoy the river up close.
Rivers in the upper reaches are such that when under normal circumstances the water level are such as the picture shows but when there is a heavy downpour it swells right up to overflowing its banks. Infact it is dangerous to camp too near the waters edge without being wary of the weather. Rain in the upper reaches can translate into a rush of headwaters as high as 4 feet which will wash everything down its path including human sound asleep in tents.
Pray tell me if there is any place where wheelchair bound people like you can enjoy nature?
You are right,words of mouth is the best promotion and that is how anglers get to know about this Taman Negara Kelantan.
I first met Richarld Lim in 2004 when he came to Gua Musang. He informed me about his recent trip to Kelantan but since I am no more in Gua Musang I couldn't meet him up there. I guess he must have met you. He was teling me about meeting an English speaking guy but he couldn't recall your name.
When he came over to Kota Bharu I was over in Redang. We only managed to meet up after my Redang trip and after he came back from Perhentian. He definitely is doing a great job promoting Kelantan by his guidebook. It was him who told me tht Nik Nora is the resort operator.
Please give me your contact number so that I can include you as another operator in Gua Musang who can be contacted for trips to Taman Negara Kuala Koh. It will be convenient for people arriving via train to Gua Musang to get your services.
Thank you for the URL to Richard Lim's site. I will put it in the main story.
Selain Taman Negara Kuala Koh, satu lagi tempat menarik di Kelantan yang kurang publisiti adalah air terjun Gunung Stong. Mungkin tarikan di Kota Bharu (esp Pasar Siti Khadijah) menjadikan keindahan alam semulajadi di Kelantan kurang menjadi sebutan. Kata Pak Zawi ada betulnya, jauh dan susah nak ke sana. Kalau di Terengganu, tarikan alam semulajadinya (ie sekayu, kenyir dan pulau2)cukup dikenali.
Selamat berpuasa
Gunung Stong memang menarik tetapi sejak penutupan Gunung Stong Resort, tempat itu jadi sukaruntuk di promosikan kecuali bagi mereka yang berminat untuk mendaki dan bermalam diatas gunung sahaja di tempat yang dikenali sebagai Baha Camp.
Dengan terbinanya jambatan Dabong maka lebih senanglah untuk berkunjung ke Gunung Stong.
Semoga pihak yang berkenaan akan segera membuka balik resort di Gunung Stong.
Saya setuju dengan kata kata Rauhan bahawa tempat menarik di Trengganu lebih senang dikunjungi. Pernah ke Lata Berakah atau ke LA Hotspring di Besut? Cantik you.
I LOVE that picture of the lady in the Batik tribe! It was an amazing picture, Pak Zawi!
It captured just about everything I look for in a picture...
Life, time, wisdom, triumph-over-struggles, roots, culture, all frozen in time...
There was another picture of her carrying a load of firewood on her shoulder but there was camera shake in the picture. I would love to put that picture in very much. Anyway credit should be given to Nik Nora for taking those pictures. They are not mine. Personally I like it too.
salam pak zawi,
nak tanya kalau boleh, dari simpang (gambar pertama) nak masuk ke Kuala Koh (gambar ketiga) tu berapa jauh? boleh pandu kereta sampai ke Park's Office tu ker?
ingat kalau ada masa nak singgoh. terima kasih
yea, we have accepted the fact that nature in not friendly to us on wheelchair. but that couldnt stop us from embracing the wonderment Allah has offered. if breaking a friend's bone is what it takes to get me up close with nature, then that it shall be. its a matter whether we want it or not Pak Z, itu je.
Jarak dari simpang luar ke Pejabat Taman Negara ialah 45 km kalau ikut jalan asal dan sekarang ada detour kerana pembaikian jalan jadi bertambah lah dalam 5 km. Saya guna kereta Vios tu la nak kesana jadi tak ada masalah la. Kalau jalan asal siap lepas Raya nanti lagi tak ada masalah.
That's the spirit. Let's go.
lawa nyer Nik Nora tu ...
hi hih iihiihihi
Nik tu bekas murid isteri saya masa dia mengajar di Gua Musang. Dia juga adalah classmate salah seorang anak Pak Zawi. Pak Zawi setuju dengan remark PB.
hei ! I was at the place before afew years back. We went for the same purpose.. to fish kelah. But it wasn't the season. Funny, it was the same spot where they went. Just immagine, it was just me and the family at the fishing spot. very scary.. of the wild animals. The road to Taman negara Kuala Koh was bad when we were last there, even land slide. Hope to be there again when the boys are back.
Fishing is more luck than anything else. When I took guests fishing there in 1995 they said there is no fish there. My boys dive inside and speared a kelah and showed them there were fish in there. Later the anglers managed to catch a few of about 2 kg each.
The road in isn't exactly smooth yet but boleh pakai la.
The place looks beautiful. Reminds me a lot of the the national parks in Sarawak!
I am surprised that visitors are allowed to fish in the national park!
salam ramadhan abng zawi tewww..
Fishing alone especially when you use line and rod wont deplete the fish stock as long as the Fish Santuary where fish stocks are replenished and they are properly fed to sustain population growth. More often than not these anglers will go home empty handed.
Salam kembali.
Selamat bepuasa.
Excellent entry. Yes, really, a Taman Negara in Kelantan. I'd love to take the trail. Would the same ranger be there always?
Thanks for sharing.. a great gesture from you bro.
salam ramadhan. may you be blessed always.
best nye taman negara,saya dah lama berangan nak pegi...dari bujang sampai la sekarang, tp tak sampai2 jugak,mebi nak kena tunggu anak2 yg kecik2 ni besar dulu baru bulih pegi satu family,by the way pok zawi, saya dah tahu dah kat mana area yg anti-graviti di jalan nak ke Keningau,saya dah mark,hehehe....nanti saya amik gambar, bila pak zawi nak dtg Keningau lagi?
Count Bryon,
Thank you for the compliments. The ranger lives at the Park's quarters. Just ask for him should you go there.
Next time balik bawa la anak-anak pegi sana. No problem bagi anak you.
Dah tau tempat tu? Bagus. Tolong blog mengenainya.
Tak taulah sama ada akan pergi ke Keningau lagi bab masa kami ke Labuan December nanti Azini dah habis kursus di Keningau. Mungkin Lokman akan pergi jemput dia dan saya akan suruh Lokman tinjau la tempat itu.
Hello Zawi,
If the camera shake in that picture isn't very bad, I might be able to minimize it digitally.
If you want to try that, you may send it.
Thank you for the offer. The picture will be in your mail soon.
what an awesome journey into one of hidden treasures....
and i mean the taman negara!! although nik nora, i must say is eye catching too...hehehe...
thanks zawi, informative and seductive! And again I mean the taman negara!
Askm Pak Zawi,
Saya baru kesana tengok tempat.Menarik...lapangkan fikiran.
Cuma satu nak tahu, setiap 25hb boleh memancing kelah..Confirm ke dapat ikan tu? Ramai member bertanya....
That is why I wanted to take you fishing in Taman Negara Kuala Koh. There are jewels there for you to have.
We will go there the next time you come back. The will let you catch the fish and eat it as well.
Yang confirm nya ikan ada dalam sungai tu. Dapat tak dapat adalah atas nasib dan pandai you memancing. Umpan yang sesuai seperti yang di bawa orang lain ialah cricket, buah kelapa sawit (boleh ambik kat ladang Felda dalam perjalanan) anak ikan.
Kalau tak dapat ikan, just enjoy the scenery.
Salam Papa,
it seems like we already have our next interesting place to make family trip.
very lovely photo papa, :)
Yes, Kuala Koh will be very nice to get together again due to the distance which is not to far for everybody to drive too. The cost wont be much either. We may do both Kuala Koh and Kenyir together because the elephant santuary and the Kelah sanctuary is located between Kula Koh and Kenyir.
Tuan Zawi, I am just thinking.. kalau ada sesiapa yang berminat pergi Gunung Tahan melalui Merapoh. I asked before and they say 5 days required. Mana tau, kalu2 ada yang minat, preferably yang kaki slow..macam saya ler..
Kalau ada sekolah lagi bagus, kita cuma tumpang budak2 sekolah saja lagi bagus. Budak2 lagi slow kan ?
Naik gunung tahan melalui Merapuh memang lebih pendek perjalananya. Malangnya saya tak mampu mendaki lagi. Jangan fikir budak sekolah slow oi. Kadangkala mereka tak rasa letih dan lebih laju dari orang tua sebab badan mereka ringan. Iklan dalam blog you la kalau nak cari member mendaki Gunung Tahan. Paling baik naik ikut Merapuh turun ikut Kuala Tahan.
I've visited KKoh twice. In 1989, I started my kayaking trip ther with two friends down the Aring, Lebir, past Kuala Krai all the way to Kota Bharu landing at Pengkalan Wakaf Mek Zainab.
The other two got off the river one after another after a few days and I continued alone from KKrai.
In 1993, I and my ex-wife joined a large group of local lads on a familiarization trip to Gunung Tahan organized by Perhilitan. Upon returning to the visitor's centre at Merapoh, the two of us started to kayak down the Kerau (?) river to the bridge on the Merapoh-KLipis trunk road taking two nights and three days.
Am planning to repeat the trips, with different partner/s!
All I can say is wow! That is great adventure man. Have you done the Nenggiri? With the pollution upstream, doing the Nenggiri is no more fun as the water quality is so bad due to heavy siltation. How about trying the Perias?
Sorry I can't acompany you on such a trip but maybe provide you support on land.
The Perias if I remember correctly is a tributary of the Nenggiri. I've camped on the sandbank where it enters the Nenggiri. I've done the Nenggiri a dozen times being the first recreational group to do so in 1985. If you google my name Zaharan Razak you may find mention and pics of it. Others have done it before me but they are in historical order, the Temiar, the British army, Noone of the Taiping Museum, Muzium Negara people and Joa or Ukur people. Some participants from the trip/s I organized later started their own company to run regular trips down the river mostly starting at Setelu. The company that I know most is called The Khersonese. Ishak Mohamad, the pioneer director, first went down the Nenggiri with me. My group started from the uppermost point on the river at Pos Mering near Pos Brooke near Blue Valley in Cameron Highlands. We walked for two days from Brooke to get to Mering. Then we floated down on bamboo rafts made by the Temiars. That was in 1985. After that I went back a dozen times including twice alone for the most part.
The water was very clear in 1985 but yes now it is tea-colored. Loggers are in cahoots with the government to make a lot of money at the expense of our precious heritage. So next time you see a Mercedes whizzes by, suspect it is bought with ill-gotten gains, money stolen from the rakyat.
Sorry to write non-gentlemanly matters at your gentlemanly site.
I should have guessed it after reading about your thorough knowledge of Gua Musang and the orang asli there.
I have met Haji Ishak and Yushak of Kersonese Expedition in Gua Musang but lately they have stopped coming to Nenggiri. This maybe due to the low water quality of the river. Nowadays the loggings has reduced somewhat in the Lojing area because they have depleted the source. When I was stationed at Lojing in 1989/90 the logging was at its height and I shudder at the thought of how Lojing was raped for the benefit of some timber tycoons and the state government. Many rivers and beautiful waterfalls were damaged. The worst part was the damage to the rivers as a source of drinking water and food supply for the orang asli.
Later the the vegetable farmers came to destroy the whole eco system of Lojing by massive slope cutting for various unnecessary agricultural devevelopment which didn't bennefit Kelantan or its people much. The alenation of large hectarage of forrested land to Yakin was and is the biggest mistake. The Lojing area which is the source of the Nenggiri and its smaller tibutaries is now the biggest source of pollutant in the form of silt from surface erosion as well as from harmful chemicals used in agricultural actvities. The opening up of new land for agriculture further down is another culprit that contrbute to the pollution.
In the development of highland agriculture, we didn't seem to learn anything from the mistakes in Cameron Highlands and instead emulate them. We should have kept our highland jungle intact and market them as a tourist attraction to earn perpetual tourist dollars.
Don't be apologetic about the ungentlemanly talk as by know I am used to your style of straight talk on any matters dear to your heart. In real life I used to speak in similar style and brought the wrath of many people in my place of employment. Now since my retirement I have come to terms with myself, the people and the environment around me. There is only this much that a person like me can do to make this world right. I might be wrong too.
Zawi: Now that I know a bit more about your stand on the environment, I'm glad to note our agreement and I respect your choice to remain quite for all the good that "noise" can effect given the might of entrenched interests in this country, nay, all over the world. This plays right into the hands of fundamentalists who say that this world is a heaven for evil doers and a hell for do gooders. See also my post at zveloyak titled "Is hell a hereafter or a here-and-now concept?" Mind you, like you've just implied, we don't know the absolute truth but on the premise and principle that it is better to embark on a search for it so I throw out ideas on religion etc at my blog not implying that they are my sworn beliefs but merely represent my little steps and toe-holds on the arduous and treacherous climb to the summit of Truth which just because we'll never reach it we should not totally give up and wallow in ignorance or stay put under our coconut shell and mistake it for the universe.
Yes, we need to be in a coconut shell to give us a sense of security, even if false and illusory, but we should balance it and give it a perspective by traveling far and wide in the world of ideas if not by real travel then by imagination and being open to the whole heritage of human knowledge and history.
I've thus delved into the Mahabarata, bible studies, Buddhist beliefs, the Patanjali Sutras, nihilism, existentialism, communism, rationalism, sufism, tai chi, chi kong, yoga, etc.
My finding so far is that there is only one race, the human race, there is only one religion, the human religion, and there is only one god, the One God.
Every individual person is like a single cell of an organism, a molecule of water of the ocean (and the whole water cycle), a grain of sand on the beach (and every particle of dust in the whole universe) - so we are one, we are all parts of the SINGLE WHOLE, and that is GOD.
Back to rivers, if you've seen the book RIVERS OF MALAYSIA published by Agriculture Ministry in 1992, under the credit list, you'll find the name ZAHARAN RAZAK.
I guess we are on the same wavelength but I will not respond further to what you wrote.
I will get the book soon.
We spent our last holiday at Sedim Eco Resort in Kulim but after looking at your nice photos, I'll make sure that Taman Negara Kuala Koh will be our next holiday destination!!!
I wonder what will hubby say though...
Loved this entry!
Monster Mom,
Sedim is the best for it's white water rafting. I don't know much about its eco resort too. Well as a nature lover I gues you will love Taman Negara Kuala Koh. I intend to bring my clan over there too next year. 3 days two nights on Redang to be follwed by a 2 days 1 night stay at Taman Negara Kuala Koh.
Maybe we can plan it to coincide with your visit?
Nice to run through all these pictures of nature. The last time you recommended me a site of the wild locally, you were spot on, that site took me to the PSF sites linked to it, which was I was looking for. Did some toons and comic for UNDP paper, I have not seen it but I was told you can get in any MAS lounges.
I am glad to be of help. Help yourself to any of my pictures.
The Wild Asia people are great people. You can get along with them easily.
If your toon and comics are in MAS lounge, it will be quite difficult for people like me to lay my hands on it.
Dear Pak Zawi, great posting here, its good to learn about local interests apart from the usual ones promoted by Tourism adinfinitum...I am particularly interested in the Batik people..hmm...
The next time you come back to Kelantan, we will see them at their dwelling. I need an early lead time to get them to agree to allow us to visit them and perhaps stay for one night at their place.
Fauziah of X-Matters even suggested that I do a study of this tribe which is beyond me of course.
If your toon and comics are in MAS lounge, it will be quite difficult for people like me to lay my hands on it-Zawi
Here it is:
LEAF special editionJulai-Dec '08
In case I haven't sent a proper link:
Never mind, some other time- I struggled pasting the links that won't work!
Thanks for trying. Why not just paste the link so that I can paste it on my Google bar to search?
You may be thinking I couldn't do simple things that blogspot offer. The truth is that currently I cannot 'attach' 'post image' 'edit', time for my pc to go for a service.
I had to experiment so many indirect ways to get my latest posting (one only this month)up. Quite new to photobucket so I am not sure it works:¤t=LIGHT1.jpg
(Hope this won't take you to my photobucket account where you don't have access)
By the way for SUMO FANS- live
astro NHK channel 963 starting 14/9 for two weeks from 3-5pm.
Sorry to have littered your comments page.
Don't worry about the litters. Litters from Benny Loh only makes my blog looks very respectable.
Actually I was experiencing problem too when uploading to blogger using IE. So I have to shuttle between IE and Google.
Anyway thanks for the URL. I will be looking into it next.
Dear Pak Zawi,
That will be so cool if a trip can be organised to meet the Batik peoples. Perhaps in November when I am next back. Will need to sort out my schedule first. !
Dear Zawi,
I think you misunderstood; the URL that I gave is my travelblog – not Richard’s. All my detail and contact number is there. My website is Thank and regards - AZAM
Again Ayoh Awi your post reminded me of my unfortunate incident years ago. After our final exam we planned to go to Taman Negara but the night before that I was involved in motorcycle mishap, so all of friend went there without me. Until now I have not have the opportunity to go there, our Taman Negara. Nevertheless I was given the opportunity to visit some in the foreign land.........
Keep up your travel coverage. Salam from and Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri from the foreign land
Sorry for the misunderstanding. Thanks for the correction.
The next time you come back to Malaysia, visit all of our Taman Negara. Then you can compare how our's is managed. Maybe you can give an idea or two on how to improve ours.
Selamat berpuasa dan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri di perantauan.
Hebat laporan tuan, tahniah.
Lagi 1,
Tarikh tulisan ini adalah hari lahir saya.
Salam.saya dan mungkin 10 org rakan lain dari Johor merancang untuk ke Taman Negara Kuala KOh samaada hujung tahun atau awal tahun depan.Menaiki keretapi dr johor bahru direct to Gua musang.Saya dan rakan2 ada masalah pengangkutan pergi balik dari station keretapi ke taman negara tersebut memandangkan saya dan semua belum berpengalaman kesana.saya memerlukan perkhidmatan tersebut.
perlukan respon dr anda.
umairah (012 3560784/019 6594549)
facebook :
Tak ada masalah. Sila email Nik Nora chalet operator di Taman Negara kuala koh di dan dia boleh aturkan semuanya termasuk tempat penginapan, makan minum dan transfer dari stesen keretapi pergi balik. Aktiviti trekking dan lain-lain ativiti berkaitan juga boleh beliau atur.
Nik Nora juga ada d facebook.
Nikmatilah alam semulajadi di Taman Negara Kuala Koh.
Terima kasih kerana appresiasi tulisan saya.
Good article, i will go with my father. I follow the new road from Perak. The road to Cameron.
Let see whether I can reach here - Taman Negara Kelantan.
Salam Sdr Zawi,
Lama saya tk melawat blog ini dan lama tak menyapa sdr. Saya telah menutup laman web saya oleh yg demikian harap dapat digantikan dengan yang baru Selain itu, sdr juga boleh lawati blog kembara diri seni saya di
best sangat!!nak pegi lagi,,erm..saye takleh lupe mase tubing..dalam hujan sangat2!!thanks a lot semua especially abang firdaus..i'm sbpit student=)
zudin said....
salam sdare zawi. kalau nak naik bot tu kena bayar x.kew free....
nak buat bajet yg ckup nk ke sane nanti k....
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