This house with its ornate fencing and peculiar design has been featured in the local magazines for its aesthetic look. The inside of the house has a staircase that you usually see in a Hindustani movie.
The signboard clearly shows you the business Puan Sabariah is in.
The owners of the mansion.
A Lamborghini or a Ferrari in the compound would complement this house.
Going further I saw this yellow hovercraft on its trailer wheel. A hovercraft in Pasir Mas is a rarity indeed. With a vast marshy areas around Rantau Panjang it must be extremely handy to go around the marshland to hunt or just play around. I was told the owner often use this hovercraft. This worker posed beside the craft to show the relative size of the craft.
The pilot will sit infront. The craft is powered by a small car engine.
While buying my newspaper on the return ride home I saw this sleek car pulling off. The car's engine didn't roar so much so I didn't realise it came to stop right behind me. The awed look on the face of the newspaper man made me turn around and I too was amazed by the sight of the car. I grabbed my camera which was in my camera bag and managed to take these two shots. It was a Lamborghini no doubt. Its the Gallardo. The last time I saw such a car at MOFAZ KL, it was a Countach and was tagged at a cool RM4.5 million.
He came to buy a newspaper too so I guess he must be a local coming back to the parents house.There is only one family in Pasir Mas who can afford and would indulge in such luxuries as I have seen sometimes back one of them driving a Mercedez 500 CLK. I rode to that house and true enough, the car was parked in front of the house.The Merc was in the house compound too but I wouldn't dare to go inside to take a picture.
I requested one of the family members whom I know to get the permission for me to post the picture of the car infront of the house and I have their consent. Emir not only managed to get me the permission but also some informations about it.
Depending on the specifications, a Lambhorhini Gallardo costs between RM1.75 to RM2 million in Malaysia. A full tank can easily fill RM300 worth of petrol at the current price. That will take the car a distance of 300 - 400 kms depending on the road traffic. The owner did a test drive at Sepang F1 circuit and he managed to top 230 kph. How is that for speed?
Click on the name of the car below to see the brochure image of the car.
Lamborghini Gallardo
Price New
USD$160,000 (without Malasyian import tax and the other taxes)
1300 a year (projected)
5.0 liter DOHC all-aluminum V-10, variable valve timing
493 @ 7800 rpm
376 lb-ft @ 4500 rpm
Curb Weight
3350 lbs
6 speed manual, all-wheel drive
0-60 mph
3.9 seconds (projected)
1/4 mph
12.2 @ 122 mph (projected)
Top Speed
192 mph
Pak Zawi,
Rumah sabariah dodol tu selalu saya tengok bila dalam perjalanan balik ke Rantau Panjang. Rasanya setiap bulan ada perubahan pada rumah tu. Untung tukang rumah sebab sentiasa ada projek.
p/s: Serunding aka sambal daging yg saya bawa ke sini dibeli dari rumah ni. Tapi dodol saya tak bawa
Mungkin kerana mereka gunakan kayu api untuk memasak dodol menyebabkan cat rumah itu cepat pudar. Walaubagaimana pun bagus la kerana pekerja dapat upah ya. Lagi pula mereka mampu jadi apa lah salahnya.
Dodol berat kalau nak bawa sikit boleh la, nanti excess baggae pula dengan budu dsb.
Selamat berpuasa dan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri.
Pak Zawi,
Wow!!nak jadi paparazzi ke..hehehe.
Lansung ikut motor sport sampai kat rumah..Orang kaya..beli apa pun boleh.Mesti rumah tu..ada duit raya.
So..raya next week is your preparation?.
I'm happy and proud to read about successful people especially people from our own area. Knowing that they can succeed should make us feel that there is no reason for us not to succeed too.
We should highlight more of these cases to encourage others to follow suit.
SELAMAT HARI RAYA to you and family and keep the postings coming. I have been reading them but could not find time to comment too often.
p/s: thanks for visiting my place and leaving comments
This is nice piece Pak Zawi. I like the hovercraft story, it would be great if the owner can take you for a ride in the marshes..!
Amboi... macam jadi spy le pulak... siap ikut sampai ke rumah! Bolehlah, next time I nak find out about anything in Kelantan, I mintak tolong Pak Zawi P.I. :)
Belajar jadi paparazzi la. Mana la tau kalau Fauziah NST nak employ saya jadi part time stringer photographer dia hahahaha.
Actually I know his sister and brother inlaw la.
Not much preparation for Raya la. Cuma nak buat ketupat daun palas the traditional kelantan ketupat. First time in my life buat sendiri.
Yes we are proud of them. Hopefully I can feature them in my blogs someday. Only that they want to remain unknown due to security reasons which we must understand la nowadays.
Don't worry about not coming or not making any comment. We have our reasons for it. I am as guilty as you too.
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri to you and your family.
Salam Zawi,
Intersting post. To have an hovercraft and a Lambhorghini in one entry is quite afeat. Kat KL pun dah lama saya tak nampak kereta tu di jalan raya. Selamat berbuka..
I would very like to ride on it very much and hope to do a full feature on it one day. Maybe after the fasting month if I could approach him for it. All the better if the MSM or TVs can pick it up after that.
It would be fun doing PI for Pi. For you it will be for free. Hope I don't have to sign any SD after the job is done hahahahaha.
Things happen when it happens. Waited till today to get permission to post the pictures of the car in my blog. I could have posted it yesterday without their permission but since I want the picture of the Lamborghini infront of his mums mansion, I had to wait. I think it was worth the wait as I get some extra info.
Selamat Hari Raya Zabs. Thanks for the card. It was a beautiful and useful one. Sorry there is no reciprocal card from me.
Ayoh wi tow...
Rumoh sapo ado Gallardo tow? Pok2 tok seh ko? Ganah2..
Rumoh tok seh kat Jias tu, tepi umoh Hj Kamaruddin pun lawa kakloh, supo istana..
Rumah orang Melayu tu yang ada Gallardo tu. Hebatkan? Keluara berjaya dalam pelbagai bidang seperti Doktor, Interior Decor dan business komputer.
Rumah towkay dodol ni unik bab pagar dia tu.
i imagine the house owner must be some kind of eccentric person. jual dodol je boleh buat rumah besar cam tuh...perghhh!
I think she is the biggest dodol maker in Kelantan. I will try to get permission to blog about her dodol making business.
She doesn't seem to splurge her money on anything else so I guess she put them on the house.
Pak Zawi, wishing you Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, ma'af zahir dan batin. You be sure to have a good raya now, y'hear? And go easy on rendang and makanan2 yang berlemak. But then again, it's not every day we eat this so what the heck, if it tastes good, it must be good for us. he he
Salam to you and your family.
Huih! Gallardo dalam Rantau Panjang? Dulu Evo pun susah nak jumpa, dah ada Lambo? Pergh!!! Cool!
Salam Pak Zawi
Kelantanese by nature are enterpreneurs especially the women. Just check out the pasar and you'll find most of them are women.
Alhamdulillah, good to know a laid-back state like Kelantan can produce such successful Melayu.
Thank you for the Raya Greetings.
Yes we go slow on the fatty food especially the serunding daging. As in everything, moderation is the best. It is more enjoyable that way.
Silap tu Akmal, bunggalow besar dan hovercraft di jalan Rantau Panjang dan Lambo tu di Pasir Mas. Kalau bawa pegi Rantau Panjang nanti kena rompak bawa ke seberang Sungai Golok la jawabnya.
Just like the other states, we have our share of the successful Malays too. Unfortunately most of them they have to find their wealth outside of Kelantan.
By nature Kelantanese men love to play second fiddle to their wives (some at least hehehe).
Wow, a Lamborghini in KB?! A couple of million bucks for a car? WOW! :-)
It was in Pasir Mas, no not KB, Pasir Mas, and not far from where I live. Heard he wants to buy a Ferrari or Aston Martin next. Wow! Wow!
Salam Pak Zawi,
Hmm...think I need a change of profession. Any dodol-making colleges around?
whoaa pak Z, the owner must be one VIP guy. a car worth millions of bucks speaks for itself. my guess is he's a royalty.
the first house however, nampak macam rumah kerajaan langit je...muahhaha...
gurau je pak Z.
Milik siapakan Honda Cub depan Istana Dodol tu?
*Pak Zawi, saya pun ucapkan selamat berpuasa dan selamat hari raya juga.
Its a tough job. They start work as early as 4.30 AM and the place can be so hot due to so many stoves (about 20)with boiling couldron of dodol or sambal daging being cooked at the same time (They let me take photographs). The whole family is involved in the business of manufacturing and sales.
I think you better think twice before you change yor profession cos your dodol may not sell at all. Why not you just market their products? They courier their products to resellers all over the country. All you need to do is repack them with your own brand and sell them online.
You guessed it wrongly. The owners of mansion, hovercraft and Lambo are all commoners. The Lambo's owner is either a doctor or an interior decorator.
Honda Cub itu bukan Pak Zawi punya.
Ada pasaran tak tempat Rauhan belajar tu? Jom kita niaga dodol dan sambal daging. Pak Zawi supply dan Rauhan jual.
Selamat Hari Raya di perantauan.
What a bright and interesting color of Puan Sabariah's house. She must be doing great with her dodol business.
Hi Zawi,
Decided to balas your visit! Thank you for visiting :)
You've got an lovely blog here. I'd like to come back and read your older posts as well.
I haven't been to Pasir Mas - it looks like a place I'd enjoy visiting.
Great post.
salam ...
sokmo kalau lalu nok g Rata Panjae mesti kelih ghumoh tu tok kelip butir mato ..
cat baru lagi tu
insyaallah , rayo ni buleh la raso tupak hok Pok Awi buat.
pB suko tupak tigo segi hok manih tu ...
salam pak zawi, dok pasir mas area mana yer. Abah yati pun org sana gaks.
Yes she is doing great with the dodol and serunding business. When I was there this morning they were packing dodol for the Sultanah of Johor. She is their regular customer.
Thanks for the reciprocal visit. Please come back later.
When you do Kota Bharu again, spare some time for Pasir Mas OK?
Tadi pegi beli sambal daging kat rumah Puan Sabariah tu. Nak buboh sambal daging dalam tupat tu la. Daun palas belum beli lagi tapi banyak kat Pasar Pasir Mas tu. Kalu nak raso tupat Pok Awi kena mari awal la. Pok Awi simpan la untuk pb.
Pok Awi dok Kasa depan sekolah belah tepi sungai. Kalu nak mari gak sampai depan sekolah tu masuk ko Pam Air KADA belok kiri 2 x. Rumah hujung sekali. Kalu nak coordinate untuk GPS pun boleh bagi.
Paparazzi in the making maybe?
Anyway, nice entry...
monster mom,
Unpaid paparazzi yeah. Thank you for the compliment.
saya penah buat 'hovercraft' sendiri...guna kelopak jantung pisang dan belon!!
get the idea?
wow...that that car....ermm, terliur weh!!
ado jugok oghe kelatae kayo rayo lagu tu deh?? Anok Rajo ko?
Dulu kita buat racing boat gun seludang kelapa. Bentuk paling aerodynamic.
Ado juga orang Kelate kayo tapi dok KL la. Dia tu interior Decorator. Sorang adik beradik dia doktor pakar guna kereta Merc CLK 500
Pak Zawi, I have just added you to my list. Seronok baca your entries.. btw, my late mother orang pasir mas but grew up in KB. I know I still hv relatives in PM, tapi nak kena buat susur galur balik via elderly relatives to know who & were they are in PM..
pok wi... tu rumoh hok ada gallardo kat slow machang ko? sero supo rajin kelih jah..
so lagi... ado ko video dr bates kecek kelate.. ini satu output yang unik.. kalu upload kat youtube, bleh terpegun rakyat malaysia..
Puteri Kamaliah,
I am so happy that you find what I wrote to be interesting. You made my day.
If you want to do a comprehensive family tree please try this programme My Geni by google. I have been building up my family tree and its now quite massive. Click on My Geni under My Corner of my side bar to see how it looks.
Please do it. You will like it.
Betul la tu rumah ko Slow Machang la tu.
Video Dr. Bates tak ada. Bagus juga idea tu saya akan cuba usahakan dan letak dalam tu untuk bagi dia kow sikit. Publish semula as an updated version ko.
Abe Zawi;
kalu nok lari 230km/hr tok payoh gi Sepang, main atah retok jah. Raso ambo 230 MPH.
230km/hr kereta abo buleh gi.... bedaung..
Mungkin dia tak berani kot bab kalau tengok ko rated topspeed 192 MPH tu sepatut buleh gi lagi tu. Rasanya topspeed dalam km tu dekat 300 kph.
wow...i just love reading ur blog...especially this post...very informative...suka banggettt... thanx...keep on riding n shooting..hehe...
miss cloudy,
Thank you for the kind gestures. Aren't we all bloggers are here to keep each other informed? I am happy that I have managed to do so.
Selamat Hari Raya.
Pak Zawi,
I was informed that there will be a gathering for Kelantan Bloggers on the 4th of October. That is splendid indeed, but the location is unknown to me. Where is hikaya kopitiam? Or do you mean Hayaki's? If that so, which one of hayaki's outlet?
Really looking forward to meet fellow Kelantanese blogger ( if I may consider myself as one).
Plz feel free to visit my humble blog to answer. You are surely welcome with pleasure.
As for this posting of yours.. it is SUPERB! love reading it and proud to know there are someone like you in KELANTAN.
Welcome to my humble site.
I feel so nice after reading all your good words.
The answer is already posted at your site as well as at Kelantan Blogger's chatbox. Thank you for correcting me.
wahh.. mesti bbeli sak koba kat pustako mas nih.. pasal napok pantai mas dlm tu.. ehe~ :)
iskk.. rugi2 x rajin jjupo lambo tu..
ps. kalu pak zawi ado maso jln2 la kat booth sayo d belakang booth singer sebelah pantai timor (public mutual) buleh kenal2 w u & the camera =)
No problem kalu nak berkenalan. Jom kita gi gathering kat Hakaya Kopitiam hari Sabtu 4 hb Okt jam 9.30 pagi. KLTraveller pun ada dan rasanya Elviza boleh attend hari tu.
Ambo cari la booth demo nanti.
Tok tau pulok ado supercar di pasir mas.. Meme kayo bena :D
Dia balik buko poso rumah mak dia jah. Dia dok kerja di KL. Cuma kereta tu lalu kat P Mas hehehehe.
Masa ambo dok kijo kat Shell Gua Musang dulu macam macam kereta orang kayo Kelate bawa balik. Kereta canggeh cangeh dan mahal. Bila tanya bakpo beli kereta lagu tu ada yang jawab bab dia tak nak serupa ngan orang lain. Bila kelik Kelate dia sorang jah ada. Hebat kan?
Salam pak Zawi :o)
I was in Pasir Mas 2 weekends ago. Balik kampung for 2 nights. I saw the house and wondered who's the owner and now I know. Do you know there's good ayam percik just a few metres away from Puan Sabariah's house? From the roundabout, it's on your right just before Puan Sabariah's house. Sedapnyaaaaa ayam percik.
Selamat Hari Raya to you & your family.
Dah balik? Kenapa tak call atau bagi signal sikit bila ada di P Mas?
Yes I know that maker of everything 'percik'.
So you dont have to wonder anymore as to who is the owner now. Hope to get some pictures of the inside of the house one day. They built the house themselves and it took them 3 years to do it.
Selamat Hari Raya to you and your family too.
damn, my kazen bought the lamborghini? balik raya haji ni have to check it out la
Your cousin may have bought the Aston Martin by now. That was what his bro in law was telling me of his next intention. Aww some people are rich.
The merc does not belong to the doktor pakar but his sister the beutician or mom. Pasir mas knows that he is not one to flaunt his wealth, unlike his siblings.
Thanks for the info. I will make the correction should you want me to do it.
It is just that we are proud to have people from Pasir Mas doing well in life and doing it on their own steam and not through political patronage.
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