The Sanserviera (Lidah Jin) (SOLD TO RADEN GALOH)
I have been working very hard to fulfill the request for paintings by my friends. Financial factor has made me broke my own ethics by not adhering strictly to the order of request. For that I unreservedly apologize to you my friends who has ordered paintings from me.
These are the list of people who had expressed their desire to have one or more of my paintings and I will refresh the list to show who have received their paintings and who haven't and the reason for the delay.
1. Zendra Hassan.
She wanted Pak Zawi's first painting and she got it.
2. Mek Yam.
Deferred delivery to January because she wont be back in New York till January.
3. Oldstock
Two paintings Delivered by courier. Should be receiving them today or tomorrow.
4. Zakrey Mohd Nor.
Collected when he came for Raya.
5. Wan Nordin (GUiKP).
Collected when he came to Raya.
6. Tuan Haji Ariffin Mamat (Pakpayne)
His 10 paintings are in KL to be displayed at the coming PESENI Kelantan's Exhibition at Balai Berita KL in November.
7. Dato' Jaffar Lamri.
The following people's request have yet to be fulfilled:
1. U Lee
2. Awang Goneng/Kak Teh.
Waiting for confirmation.
3. Aminah Harun.
4.Dilla Seri Kembangan
5. Zaiton Ghani (Zaitgha)
Still scratching my head on what to draw for an abstract)
6. Teoh Yew Aun.
7. HJ Angus.
Hope you can bear with me for awhile. All orders by my family members has been cancelled as they can wait until all other people's orders are fulfilled.
New orders:
1. Pakpayne - Traditional Kelantan Fishing Boat
2. Zainal Siwar (JB)
The order is for 3 paintings of sunset and flowers of 24" x 30". These size is much bigger than the usual paintings that I have done which are of 18" x 24" and lately of 20" x 24". Need to do new stretch frames for it.
The following paintings are now available. Those who are interested to buy the following paintings please email Pak Zawi at I have problem in deciding who to offer the painting to. So just put in your request and Pak Zawi will consider who to give. As to the price, just offer whatever you can afford. This is not a an auction so there is no need to outbid each other. It is just a way for me to determine which painting goes to whom.
All paintings are of 20" x 24" except for Heliconia 3 which is 18" x 24".
All paintings will be accompanied by a brief note about it upon delivery to the subsequent buyer.The Pink Lotus
Sunset At Likas Bay.
The Papayas.
Heliconia 3 (18" x 24")
The White Cockerel.
The Sanserviera
This painting is being framed as I want to use it for the coming exhibiton. It was earlier painted for my son Azuan. He has decided that I should sell it to fulfill some of my friends requests. Should there be a buyer for this painting, it must be agreed to allow it to be shown at the exhibition in November and the price must include an extra RM100 for the frame. Since it is being framed with a double frame, the cost of shipment to an overseas destination will be prohibitive and so only those who are residing in Malaysia is encouraged to buy this painting.
Recently Pak Zawi was given some oil paints by Tuan Syed Halim Jamalullail, a close friend of Pak Zawi. Tuan Syed Halim is also a painter. As a token of our friendship, Tuan Syed or Ayahku as I call him gave me 3 tubes of oil paint of the brand Rowney Georgian which was made in England. Ayahku had been keeping it for more than 2 decades since he bought it when he was living in Penang. He had also lent Pak Zawi The Book of Art to help Pak Zawi to produce an abstract painting for Zaitgha.Ayahku, thank you for the oil paint.
Hopefully the above paintings can fulfill some of your requests.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Paintings Available
This morning Tuesday 6, Pak Zawi has received a text message from Dato' Jaafar Lamri who has received his painting by Pak Zawi. Read about it at his blog Jaff Point.
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Salam Uncle,
I'm so happy to see my name on the list.
Don't worry so much as to when you can finish mine.
Next year pun takpe. Buleh jadi jadi wedding present untuk saya dari Uncle *wink*
Take care Uncle.
Salam, Abang Zawi!
Cantiklah, this painting! Biru & hijau -- so fresh, so bold! Macam Van Gogh! And the sanserviera is so realistic! Unfortunately, I am living in a rumah sewa, takde tempat nak gantung gambar, lepas tu pindah rumah kena balut, bungkus and pindah everything again!
Masyaallah Pak Zawi... cantik sungguh gambar painting lidah jin tu... Kama nak tunggu hingga exhibition time untuk buat pilihan..
update berhubung pameran.. akan datang very soon. ada new interested party (int'l company with local network) nak jumpa Kama & team hari jumaat untuk berbincang.. doakan kami berjaya "tangkap" dia.. :)
Pak zawi is happy that Dilla can bear to wait. It won't go to next year. you will get yours much earlier than that.
Oh your wedding coming soon? let me know the date so it will be ready before that.
Ee Lynn,
Macam Van Zawi la. Don't worry, when you move int your own house, a painting will be ready for you.
Pak zawi dapat call dari Raden Galoh. Dia nak lidah Jin tu. Pak Zawi dengan Dalilah ni cair terus. Dia message dan Pak Zawi tak boleh kata tak boleh. Tak sempat masuk pameran la nampaknya lidah jin tu.
Tak apa kita cari jalan supaya yang terbaik masuk pameran. Thank you for your effort in getting the exhibition going. PESENI Kelantan and its members owe you that much.
salam pak zawi ..
saya dah lama tak jengok blog ni ..tapi hari ni baru la saya tahu ..pak zawi sangat berbakat ...
keep it up ..
Pak, tadi lepas kak Kama nyer comment i letak comment i ...tgk sekali lagi hilang la pulak...i just said to take ur time but to update us abt the exhibition...thanks Pak
Terima kasih kerana mengunjung semula. Terima kasih juga kerana sukakan hasil karya Pak Zawi
I want to do a good one for you. just give me time. Yours is the most challenging as it is not easy to come up with an original as I have been playing it up on my mind how to go about doing yours. I bet you when I get it done, it will be something worth waiting for.
Hi Pak Zawi,
It's so wonderful to see that your hobby is taking of brilliantly. I simply love your sanserviera - aka mother-in-law's tongue ;) - it's almost like an abstract, with all those fingers reaching up to the sky! I have the very same plant in my garden, all over the place.
Salam Pak Zawi,
The paintings you did for me has been received yesterday. Thanks so much for your trouble. I hope to be able to reciprocate one day.
Terima kasih.
I wanted to keep Sanserviera for the exhibition but Raden Galoh of One Breast Bouncing needs it to give to a Professor friend of hers and I can't say no to her. So Sanserviera will be going to KL very soon.
I saw the beauty of the plant the minute I set my sight on them at my friends place in Pasir Mas.
Yes it was like an abstract and I painted them exactly they way they look from up close. I am glad you like it.
I am glad the paintings reached you. I hope you like them.
There is nothing to reciprocate. I will be very happy if you like them. Both were done for you based on the pictures from your blogsite. They may not be as beautiful as the original picture but I guess that is the best that I can do.
Salam Pak Zawi,
Radin made a good pick on your Sanserviera. It’s a realist but the way you paint it close up made it like an abstract and modern.... another brilliant impressionist work from you.
Happy to see many here who is going to be the proud owner of your work. If you need my Traditional Kelantan Fishing Boat for the upcoming exhibition, just let me know I be happy for it to be exhibited under ( NFS.. not for sale ).
Salam Pak Zawi,
MasyAllah! You are a multi-talented man! I really like the papayas.
ps. Leh cilok ilmu ke? :)
Dato' Jaff,
Thank you for the enlightening comment.
Let us see how many pieces they will allocate for Pak Zawi to display as it will be open to all members of PESENI Kelantan. I will be too happy to have Kelantan Traditional Fishing Boat to display together wit Sanserviera but I have also 10 paintings bought by Pakpayne to choose from. Hopefully others may not have too many works to display.
If I were to display KTFB, I will have it tagged as SOLD to Dato' Jaffar lamri, so will it be for the Sanserviera, SOLD to Dalilah Tamrin.
Shah (Cakapaje),
The papayas is still available. Why not make me an offer? Pak Zawi's paintings are affordable meaning you pay whatever you can afford. I can't say the same once it passes into somebody else's hands. For you, I will accept any offer. Ain't that tempting enough?
Sure I will share my 'ilmu' if you can call that as ilmu. Come over and I will teach you. Somebody taught me so now I must teach others the same. No problem.
Pak Zawi,
Cantik lukisannya. Sukakah Pak Zawi jika saya kirimkan melalui emel beberapa gambar bunga/buah/tempat yang cantik untuk dijadikan inspirasi.
Saya cuma melukis dengan cahaya. :)
Suka, suka,suka!
Hantar ke kalau tak muat hantar lagi ke
Terima kasih sangat sangat.
Salam Pak Zawi
Nice paintings you have here. I saw your blog from Jaffpoint. If I were to buy, please advise what price range are we looking at?
A Friend,
It is hard for me to really put a price to my paintings but as a general rule the smallest painting of 18" x 24" can be had at RM200 and should the buyer who is usually a friend, request for less due to financial constrain, that will be entertained too.
The highest I have been paid so far is RM500. Just make me an offer however small and I usually never disappoint a friend. I just want to share God's gift to me with all of my friends. Only that, those who can afford it and in the categories of Millionaires should support abit more so that the less 'rich' art lovers could enjoy them too hehehehe.So I guess that answers your question.
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