It is now confirmed that the gathering will be moved to the folowing venue and date:
Date: 13th August 2008 (Wednesday)
Venue: Yati Ayam Percik, Jalan Long Yunus, Kota Bharu.
This is the new venue.
The new venue will allow our guests to sample authentic Kelantan dish instead of Thai dish as available at the other eatery.
To see what food is available there here are some pictures. Of course rice is the main dish be it white rice or the blue nasi kerabu.
The above is the gulai kawah. It is curry beef in a very large wok.
This is of course is the ayam percik. You can choose to have the chicken legs or the breasts.Since you are familiar with chicken wings, I will let you see the percik kaki ayam (chicken feet).
Percik kerang (cockles)
This sea shells called lala will be everybodys favourite
This looks like sotar but since the banana wrapping isn't burn't at all it gives me the doubt.
After you have had sumptious meal it is customary to have some kuihs as dessert.
Hera are some of them:Sira pisang (banana in thick sugar syrup). Skip this one if you are diabetic.
Lompat tikam.
The above alone could be a food adventure. Let me not torture you with more.
Since the place is much smaller, the number of attendees will be capped at 35 in total based on first come first served basis. An email or sms will be sent to confirm acceptance. Payment will be collected after the event after the actual cost is determined. Those who have paid into my account, a refund will be made after the event.
Semoga mendapat sambutan.
Captain Yusof, hope you can juggle up your schedule a bit since the date has been changed. Please bring your other friends along as we may need the crowd hahahaha.
I would like to mention a word of thanks to syana of memories for some reasons which I will mention in the post about the event, after the event is held. Thank you syana.
The following banner by Akmal will be used as decoration only. Please ignore the content.
What better time to meet than when we have bloggers from as far away USA, Dubai and Kuala Lumpur in Kota Bharu? Puteri and her family (Puteri's Musings), Pakpayne and family (Bakpo and A Clear Blue Sky) and Captain Yusof Ahmad (The Ancient Mariner) will be in town.
The intended gathering will be on Tuesday 13th August 08 at 8.00 PM at Restoran Tati Ayam Percik, Jalan Pekeliling, Kota Bharu.
We will not be collecting any more before hand as payment can be made after the event. Please apply to join by SMS to my number 019 9125647 or email me at to confirm participation.
Those who have read this announcement please tell your fellow bloggers about it.
Every blogger, reader of blogs and friends of a blogger can attend the function as long as you are able to bring yourself here on the night and of course pay the dues hehehehe.You don't even have to be a Kelantanese blogger.
Please help me to spread the word around.
The show will still go on even if there is just a few of us around so worry not that it will not happen.
Suggestions from Pakpayne
We all bring a piece of batik lepas each to be signed by one another to be taken home as souvenirs. I will be bringing some extra kain batik lepas for those of you who don't know where to find it.

Book Donations
Please bring along books to donate to schools to be decided by the council of elders from Kelantan. Any books be it in BM or English are welcomed.
Thank you Pakpayne for the suggestions.
Happy gathering and let us give a good welcome to our guests while doing some charitable work.
:-) pakzawi...
Saya Pakpayne bernumber telefon mudah alih 013-3603099 (yang akan beroperasi selepas 8th Aug) confirm hadir bersama isteri dan tiga anak, InsyAAllah semoga tiada aral.
I look forward to meeting rakan2 bloggers yang banyakkemungkinan nya belum bertemu lagi di alam nyata.
untuk memeriahkan majlis, asya cadangkan setiap peserta membawa sehelai kain batik lepas untuk kita sama2 tanda tangan dan tuliskan number telefon, blog url, dan email address.
Mungkin pakzawi boleh sediakan pen yang sesuai.
*ok ka tu cadangan tu?*
Terima kasih kerana sudi menerima jemputan dan pertama confirm hehehehe.
Cadangan kain batik lepas tu amat bagus. Lepas autograph terus buleh pakai wat semutar. Pen saya cari, no hal. Laku la kain batik lepas di KB. Kena cari hok warna cerah.
Cadangan PP amat geliga sekali. Otak geliga otak.... hahahaha
Saya rasa nak hadir, tapi belum boleh konfirm lagi. Sekarang dok KL untuk convo orang rumah. Nanti saya cuba cari masa. agak agak dalam 50:50 dulu.
you picked up a nice time, but bad one for me *sigh*~
Anyway, itu cadangan yang lain dari yang lain tu. Kain Batik lepas sbg kenang kenangan :)
Apa pun kita akan reserve two places for you.
Thanks for considering.
Sayang ya Akmal tak dapat hadhir.
Nanti saya blog mengenainya cukup cikup.
Salam Zawi,
Apakan daya tak boleh jadi member "Kelantan Bloggers". Apa pun selamat berpesta mu semua. Saya harap dapat membaca tentangnya nanti. InsyaAllah.
Salam Pak Zawi
I almost wished I could be in Kota Baru but unfortunately, I have other pressing matters to attend to.
I hope you meet up with you one day and personally thank you for your support.
You don't have to be a Kelantan Blogger in order to join. If you are here you will be our guest. So wgy don't you book a flight ticket now? AirAsia and Mas claim they are offering the lowest fare in Malaysia.
Come over when the other half has fully recovered. He won't want to miss the fun of being in KB too. Take good care of hin OK?
I wannnnna go, Pak Zawi!!! Any excuse to eat is fine by me...;)
But I'm leaving this Satuday...
Confirmed. How sad. I won't be able to meet you before you fly to Canada. I will have to send you off via the net before you leave. Please write a blog where we can wish you Bon Voyage on your last day in Malaysia.
This will definitely be an event to write about, Pak Zawi. I will be checking LAISI on the update. i can already imagine the grand time you'll all be having. Semoga lebih erat silaturrahim yang dilahirkan di alam maya.
Salam Zawi,
Yes I knoe. Knowing you is good enough a reason to be there. However this year is UPSR year for my youngest. With extrA clases and tuitions, just can't leave home right now until Sep. TQ or the invitation.
Ruginyo sero ambo tok leh join skali...
"kelantan Bolggers" apo kecek luar belako nish hehehehehehe.
I will let others blog about it unless The Queen wants me to do it personally. I will be at your service my majesty.
Hopefully it will be an event to be remembered. Building up silaturahim is the right theme for it.
There will be more events later. Don't worry about it. Only that you wont be meeting Puteri and her hubby the next time.
Rugi, rugi, rugi bab tak kena ngan tarikh Rusdi balik. Bila Rusdi balik nanti kita buat lain.
Kecek la bahaso gapo pun asal ore pehe.
Haha you're so kind. Tak apa, maybe PakPayne will blog eloquently about it.
This must be the season for reunions/mini-reunions and meet-ups. I've done a few myself these past weeks, and have also been reading about reunions on a few blogs. Ties of friendships - very precious to just let slip by.
Pak Zawi,
I will be in Kelantan 11-14 August (my first visit) with 4 other committee members of Friends of Kelana Jaya Park for a bit of R&R. We have booked beach chalets in P. Puteh.
Not sure what the others' plans are but kalau tak ada aral melintang dan membujur, insyaallah I will be at you bloggers get together.
Who better to write about it than PP himsef. Don't forget it is the season of kenduris too.
Captain Yusof,
That was very kind of you. I was intent on asking you if you will be available on that date and sinc you have managed to find it yourself I am so happy. Please try to be there. Hope no 'aral' will befall you.
macam mana dengan cadangan satu lagi tu...that while we meet, we 'bloggers' do something untuk 'bekal akhirat'. Supaya kita sentiasa bertemu dan berurusan di dalam keredhaan Allah.
- kita buat sedikit charity effort - mungkin peserta yang hadir membawa buku2 untuk kita hadiahkan kepada sekolah dalam jajahan pasir mas yang pakzawi boleh pilih sendiri.
jika candangan itu bagus, datangnya dari Allah. Jika cadangan tu terkeluar topik, maka itu kelemahan saya sebagai manusia.....
La terlupa saya nak masukkan charity. Sebenarnya saya nak confirm dulu sama ada kita nak hadkan buku tersebut dalam BM sahaja atau dalam BI juga. Setelah saya semak dengan cikgu dirumah dia kata no problem to donate dalam apa bahasa pun asalkan bukan love story.
So saya akan editkan blog saya untuk include donation buku dan kita bahagikan kepada mana mana sekolah yang dicadangkan oleh mereka yang hadir tak kira daerah mana.
Maaf ya PP, baru balik dari KB ni pegi ambik kereta bab kena langgar oleh seorang wanita yang tertidor sambil bawa kereta. Nasib baik gesel tepi je tak parah la rosaknya yang dia kena bayar.
oloh..rugi rugi...takpo lain kali pak zawi buat lagi deh. happy gathering utk semua yg hadir.
Bakpo tol leh maghi nyo? Tak kelik lagi ko maso tu? Tadok ore lagi ni.
tis is nice. can we join?
Hi Zawi
It is indeed a pity that I am not in Malaysia this month. It would have been an opportune gathering - to finally meet you and Puteri. However, I wish you all the best in organising it. I look forward to reading all about it in your blog.
P.S. If possible, have a bite of nasi kerabu (my favourite Kelantan dish) on my behalf. :)
Little Dewa,
The gathering is meant for us all. Please join in and tell all your friends too. Bring your spouse, blogger friends and anybody who read blogs. We will be most pleased to have your for company. Can I take it that your participation is confirmed for 2 places?
How unfortunate indeed. Will be great to have two bloggers from the States to be with us. Thank you for the wishes.
I will eat the nasi Kerabu for you tomorrow as Syam retoran is not known for its nasi kerabu.
Pak Zawi,
Ruginya. I will be in Kota Bharu on the 16th for my cousin's wedding. I wish I could join but don't think I can go there earlier.
Anyway, have fun!
Alamak ruginya, ramai yang Pak Zawi nak jumpa tak dapat hadhir. Puteri akan balik ke KL pada 14hb Ogos gitu juga Captain Yusof. Tengok blog je la nanti nana.
salam ...
napok gayonyor pB buleh kiring salae jah lar ..
memae tok kelik buat maso terdekat nie
kalu kelik pong , rayo time ...
hu hu hu
Sore lagi hok tak leh maghi. Lagu ni gathering cuma Keluarga Pakpayne, Keluarga Puteri, Captain Yusof, Little Dewa sekeluga dan Pak Zawi so kelamin jah la.
InsyaAllah akan ada lagi mereka yang boleh join.
hehe.. first thing first.
1. OK, I have blog about it at my site.
2. I tak dapat confirm datang ke tak ni. kalau tak datang, rugi... Tapi ada tugas yang tak dapat di elak lah ni.. Barangkali kena pi KL pulak. Tugas la..
wah, sonoknyerr jumper kawan kawan sokmo.. kannns
so far the date is stil unmarked. insya allah we'll b there. one spot 4 me, one bb chair 4 the lil one, tq :)
the husband's far away lah at the moment. hehe.
I intend to change the date to 13th August. Can you make it on that day?
Jom join kita kat gathering tu.
little dewa,
Please note the possible change of date and venue. Thank you for the support.
"Due to poor response..."
Pok Zawi, don't feel bad.
I have my own share of organizing reunions and gatherings.
I think you may find that an attendance of 4 or 5 people can be even more fulfilling, than an attendance of, let's say, 20 people.
It has it's pluses and minuses. Huge attendance may seem grand and sound successful. But small attendance can get you guys closer.
And try to keep it short. Say two hours at the most. Any longer, the conversation will start to sway to the irrelevant.
It is better to keep it short and sweet, than to be long and stale.
My own experience tells me that regular small reunions/gatherings is more effective.
Bigger event may seem grand, but it is more ambitious, more logistics, and in the end less communication, and we lose the initial objective.
The blogosphere takes care of the bigger and grand part.
Hello zawi,
My 1st time here & am very impressed with your effort. Kalaulah saya di kelantan, boleh join. Love the foods there. The last time I was in Kelantan was like 3 yrs ago. Mesti dah lain sekarang ni. N'way enjoy the gathering.
Thank you for the encouragement. I am not worried about the numbers but I would love to see more participation from bloggers in Kelantan. I can't blame them as they might think that this is a gathering that may use BI as medium for conversation.
You said it right. Small in numbers maynot be bad at all as we may have better quality conversations. We need more numbers so that we can book a small room at any of the eatery so that we can be as boisterous as we want hahahaha. Anyway the other place at Yati's could be better as they have authentic Kelantan Food for our guests to try. I am waiting for Papkpayne to wake up and agree to the change of venue.
Don't worry the show will go on as of now we have at least 14 people coming comprising of PP family members, Puteri's, Little Dewa, Kamal's family (PP's friend who is also my wife's cousin)and if Captain Yusof were to bring his 3 friends along that will be almost 20 already.
Signing 20 pieces of Kain Batik Lepas with our blogsites can be quite tedious hahahaha.
Welcome to my humble site. If you were here 3 years ago, don't worry not really much change has happened. Maybe the Tesco outlet near the river, the Kelatna Trade Center and Pelangi Mall are the only significant change that took place. You will still recognize Kota Bharu.
Oh you seems to love our food. Come over again the next time you have the chance.
Thank you for the wishes.
Hello Zawi,
Our young handsome adik Akmal visited my blog and when I returned his visit, read about this get together. Hey, have a good meet. Salam.
Thanks to Akmal for bringing you here. Look at the food that I have just added. Could easily help you put on a few kg on your body somewhere.
nok balikkkkkkkkk .....
hu huhu
poso hari ni.
kelih pulok gambar percik tu ...
adooorrr laarrrrrrr
sgo' tie lar pok awie ni , mendera perasaan.
Salam Pak Zawi
1/ I'm a sucker for kerang and lala. I'm salivating although I don't have appetite for food now (got the fever now)
2/ Is there an address where I can courier or mail the books to?
Kelik, kelik, kelik. Habis cerito.
Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Hope your hubby is getting better otherwise with both of you down it will be hard on everybody.
About the books, Pakpayne will be arriving in KL tomorrow let me see if he can pick it up since he is driving to Kelantan. Should his car with six members of the family be full, I will let you have an address of a school where you can send it directly to it.
Thanks for the support.
Sedak make Nasi Kerabu di Yati Aye Percik toww, ambo tiap kali balik tak miss make situ. Sbulan setengah lagi balikkkkkkk kapongggg.....
Sebulan setengah lagi kita makan la untuk gathering kita dua ore :).
13 haribulan? Nampaknya tidak jadilah saya nak hadir kerana pada ketika itu saya sudahpun berada di Ipoh Perak sebagai perwakilan pemuda negeri. Lain kalilah kita jumpa yeee... rugi rasanya.
Nak buat macam mana dah terpaksa Nik. Saya harap Nik belum bank in apa apa duit dalam akaun saya. Kalau dah harap beritahu supaya saya refund dut tu. Lain kali la kita buat. Kalau ada masa lepas Raya Puasa amacam?
Perhaps this would interest you ... KPMM 2008: ANSARA Mahu Terokai Persoalan DEB.
Appreciate your attendance and assistance to promote event.
Perhaps this would interest you ... KPMM 2008: ANSARA Mahu Terokai Persoalan DEB.
Your attendance and assistance to promote is greatly appreciated.
a voice,
I really appreciated the invitation. In fact I have a son who is a member of Ansara Jasin. Since I am based in Pasir Mas Kelantan, any event outside of Kelantan is too far for a retiree like me living off a government pension however much I want to attend.
I can just promote the event.
Thanks for the invitation.
Pak Zawiiii...i want the lalaaa...wehh ma favarite tuh hu hu hu
now i can only dream, so sedey nih...
Hello again Zawi,
My you've included the the pictures of the foods.. Am crazy over percik & am now drooling!;-)
A friend of mine who's staying in KB did promise to take me to Yati Percik if I happen to go there. I guess this is the place. She wanted to tapau the chicken for me the`last time my other half paid her a visit. Tapi takde rezeki... dah tutup.
Enjoy your weekend.
Salam pak zawi..
Aduhai, meleleh air liur kawe baca entry Pak zawi nih.
Salam Pak Zawi,
Dah makin bertambah senarai kedai makan yg saya akan singgah bila balik tahun depan. Yati Ayam Percik dan Nasi Ulam Cikgu Hamid di Kg Kraftangan jd keutamaan.
Come over for the gathering and you can have all the lala that you want hehehehe. I can't take it because of my gout.
Had to put in the food because I was temted by it myself when I went there to check the place and the food available for the gathering. I guess all the guests will love it there.
Letak gambar tu untuk menarik bloggers to join la. I checked with them and price perhead will be just about RM12 inclusive of a drink.
Bila balik nanti jangan lupa call Pak Zawi ya, kita pegi makan bersama terutama di Restoran Chegu Hamid tu. Kita pergi awal sikit ya.
tis is even better! i've nvr bn 2 yati's, walau dh a year staying here, shame on me. we'll definitely b there!
owh nasi ulam cikgu tu very near 2 my crib & workplace, if u happen 2 b there, do alert me. mb we can join u :)
Buleh sanga la. Nok jugok jupo n sembang2 ngan Pak Zawi ..pahtu gi kedai cikgu Hamid. Lamo sangat doh tok makan ikan keli. Tapi...
Tapi tahun depan baru saya balik ..bulan 6 ..hehe lama lagi
little dewa,
Thats cool. Its definitely nice to have you with us. We can plan the next eat together at Nasi Ulam Kampung Kraftangan.
Saya akan plan supaya Azrin akan juga bersama kita masa ru, Hampir setahun dari sekarang. That is forward planning hahahaha.
Salam Pak Zawi.. Saya ni saje merayau2 blog ke blog.. Sebenarnya isteri saya yang selalu ke blog Pak Zawi. Saya pun kebetulan masuk blog Pak Zawi tengok ada entry ni..
Eh rasa seronok juga boleh join sekali.. Boleh join lagi ke Pak Zawi, esok dah gath tu emm camne ye nak join ni, atau boleh terus ke Yati esok pagi?
Waalaikummussalam. Tdak masalah kalau nak join. Bayaran semasa gathering. Jangan lupa bawa kain batik lepas untuk conteng conteng apa apa dan buku untuk derma kepada sekolah yang akan di tentukan nanti. Amal jariah untuk bekal akhirat.
Apa macam the gathering? How was it? Or was it postpone again?
Wish I could be there too...
It went on alright last night on the 13th of August. See my latest post about it. Bon Voyage Daph or are you already in Canada? I will check your site now.
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