PESTA NASI 100 2008
For your pleasure here is the opening ceremony in pictures.
The opening gimmick is a boiling rice pot after the gong is sounded by the Tengku Temenggong. This two guys must be worried that the gimmick may not work.
The Tengku Faris Petra Secondary Science School waiting to perform.
A young girl being given the final touch up.
Pretty fairy girls waiting to do their bit during the event. Somehow I didn't see them being made to perform anything at all during the function.
The man and his boom with a camera connected to the end of it. This is the gadget they use to take sweeping overhead views. It is definitely great to have one in any production.
Finally Azman from MPKB who was the MC for the event announced the arrival of YAM Tengku Temenggung. The MC plays an important role in such a function. I remember having butterflies in the stomach when doing such a job during my working days with KESEDAR. All the more so when it involves royalties where the protocols alone can be mind boggling.
When the MC announced the arrival of YTM Tengku Temenggong, they were ready to accompany him to the stage under the big tent.
After the gong is sounded three times, the event was officially opened.
Photographers professional or otherwise taking a shot. I prefer to shoot at the photographers.
Some of the crowd attending the launch of Pesta Nasi 100.
Top spinning was demostrated immediately after the opening ceremony. This one was special and it was dubbed the 'gasing terbang' (Flying Top) and mind you the top weighs almost a kilogram made from a wooden core with sold tin surround.
It is almost done and the master spinner from Pasir Putih is ready to spin the top. The second man will play the catcher and catch the top on a special holder with a metal covered end with a depression for the top to spin on.
Unlike the normal top spinning, the platform where the top is too land is made of a wooden box covered with a piece of carpeting material.
Upon landing on the small platform the impact and the springing action of the box threw the top backward towards the ctacher to a height of a meter and the catcher expertly catch it on a stand.
After living for 58 years, this was the first time I saw such a feat being performed. Normally a scoop (called cokak) is used to scoop the spinning top to place it on the stand.
The Tengku Temenggong went round the stalls. Of course he stopped at Celebrity Chef Liza Zainol's stall. Somebody egged the Tengku Temenggong at trying his hands at cooking and he sportingly picked up the spatula from Liza and started stiiring the almost done fried rice. Somebody quipped that this may be the first time the Tengku has had any cooking experience. I was lucky to be there as I managed to record that historic moment.
I would like to share with you one of Liza Zainol's recipe which she gave away at the stall. Click here to see it.
Some of the major participants of Pesta Nasi 100 year 2008 are as follows:
Guest states:
1. Sarawak
2. Sabah
3. Pahang
Pahang brought their lemang periok kera.
I wonder why Thailand was not represented at this event.
These are some of the local participants at the Nasi 100 event held from 12 - 14th July 2008.
1. Hotel Renaissance
Sorry no photo for this paticipant.
5.Perdana Resort
6. PCB Beach Resort (Sorry no photo)
7. Hotel Raudah
8. Zainun Palace
9. Ala Carte Restaurant
10. Leena's Delight Restaurant
11.Kedai Makan Kak Rah
12.Mum's Recipe
Didn't meet Dr. Hasnan so I didn't know of his venture into food business. All I know was that this veterinarian is into production and trading of souvenir items.
14. Aini Jaya Food
15. Alwan Enterprise
16. Saba Enterprise
17. Puspanita Pasir Putih, Jeli, Machang, Kuala Krai.Each district with their own booths.
and several others.
Conspicuosly absent this year is Perdana Hotel which is being taken over by PNB and currently closed for massive renovation.
Around The Stalls
The crowd was there for all the three days. There were cultural performances during the day and the night too. Unfortunately I missed them all.
Unravelling of the mystery of Nasi 100.
Many readers are anxious to know about the names of all the nasi that made up Nasi 100. For this event it was declared that in all there were 200 nasi!
I will show you how they are counted.
Nasi beriani too can come in so many varieties depending on the lauk.
There are nasi beriani limpa, daging, ayam............
Nasi Kelongsong
Then there is the Phat Phets
Enlarge the photo to read some of the names.
I will list them for you, Phat Phet Kerang, Burung Puyuh, Telor Puyuh and Daging. There are more on the left side but out of the picture.
Nasi Goreng
There is one stall displaying the nasi goreng about 10 in all with such names as Nasi Goreng Portugal, Nasi Goreng Indonesia, Cina etc. He could also come up with the traditional fares like Nasi Goreng Kampong, Nasi Goreng Pataya and the likes.
Nasi Udok
By the end of the fair, this is all that is left.
Nasi Tumpang.
Traditionally there are only 2 kinds of nasi tumpang. Either nasi tumpang ikan or nasi tumpang udang. Either kind will have sambal daging inside it.
Sambal daging or serunding daging can go along with almost anything. The beauty of it this dish can last. I will never leave for my overseas trip without it. Could come in handy when you are in a country whhere pork is the primary meat consumed. Beside the sambal daging there is also sambal ayam and sambal udang.
Then there is the nasi kerabu. Nasi kerabu alone has so many varieties. The most popular is of course the Kerabu Hitam. It can be the kind with tumis or just ulam. There is also nasi kerabu kunin and nasi kerabu putih when the seller runs out of nasi kerabu hitam and kuning.
Dont forget the traditional fare of Nasi Dagang.
Nasi dagang Kelantan
Nasi dagang Terengganu.
Gulai ikan aya or tongkol or tuna that goes very well with nasi dagang.
Gulai ayam for nasi dagang Kelantan
Beside gulai ikan and gulai ayam, gulai udang goes very well with the nasi dagang.
Pulut kuning
Rendang ayam
Rendang daging.
Both rendang goes very well with pulut kuning.
Nasi tumpang
Pulut bakar is made of glutinous rice. It can be very filling but regarded as kuih.
Tables were laid for visitors to eat the food.
Fruit Carvings
Fruit Carvings will always make food display look great especially at posh hotels when food is feasted via the eyes more than the mouth. Rock melon carving.
Faces at Pesta Nasi 100 Kota Bharu
Going to such pestas mean the chance of meeting some old friends that I know from the days when I was participating in travel promotions. Here are some familiar faces. Napi the NTV9 cameraman.
My friend Czarina covering for NST Travel.
Alex and Abang Pa.
Tuan Haji Supram
You don't need much make up when you are pretty.
Andrej Hovart from Brisbane City, Qld, Australia was so happy to have his picture taken.
Celebrity Chef Liza Zainol. Immediately agter this event Chef Liza is flying off to Labuan for another event.
This gentleman asked me to take his photograph.
NTV9 interviewed the other half but the shot was not carried on the night's news. Maybe it will be aired on their other programmes.
Below is the citizen reporter who covered the event. I hope you enjoy this lengthy coverage.
Pak Zawi,
Most interesting and looks yummy!
Wow never expect you to be the earliest.
Lots of yummie food but sad to say the stomach can only take that much. I sampled more of the food from Sabah, Sarawak and Pahang more than from my own state. Thank you for coming over.
Salam pak ZAWI..
this event made me miss Kelantan so much..
sedak sengoti beras ba kelalan tu
pok sedaro ambo ado wak kelik sikit aritu ... meme sedak beras highlander ni ...
sad. with a white hair,
Since this is your first comment on my site, I would like to welcome you to my humble site.
When you miss Kelantan, you can always read blogs about her. During my time when I was away from Kelantan there was no such things. Anyway there will always be time for you to come back someday.
Ambo pun ado stock sikit tu. Beras tu dibawa balik oleh mak sedara Balqis (cucu ambo) untuk suap ko dia. Dok simpan lagi tu tunggu dia kelik rayo poso ni. Sedak sengoti.
Aiseh, now I'm hungry...
Alamak Pi, event dah over on 14th July. Kalau tak over boleh la belanja makan sehingga kenyang.
Pak Zawi,
You mentioned one rice variety from Bekalalan. It's also called beras bario.
Bekalalan straddles between Sabah, Sarawak and Kalimantan.
Accessible by flight from Lawas which is abt 45 min. Lawas is a border town of Sarawak with Sabah.
The natives of Bekalalan is known as Lunbawang. Bekalalan has a very pleasant weather being on highlands.
Mr Zawi,
That was a vibrant event with lots of rice and rice and rice everywhere.
Heard a lot about Bario cos my son used to fly to Bario when he was flying from Miri doing the Rural Air Service. Infact one of his pilot friend married a maiden from there.
Cool temperature of the highlands there. Would be nice to go there one day.
I still have some Bekalalan rice with me :).
Welcome to my blogsite. You have almost the same name as my eldest daughter Azura.
Yes it was a vibrant affair with lots of rice, colorful rice too.
Thank you for visiting.
Pak Zawi,
Congratulations for a job well done!The next time I meet YB Husam,I will suggest to him to hire you as a photo journalist to promote Kelantan;-)
Btw, I love the see the gasing again.
Pak Zawi,
Yang kawan dari Sarawak tu..ada menu yg sedap tak...Like Umai,bubur pedas,sayur midin & paku..btw Thank for sharing the event makanan wow...semua nya nampak sedap.
Now I am feeling bad for not being able to enjoy the event. I am not that choosy and fussy about food, hence I might say that all of the rice are good. But hey, too be able to see the varieties sounds like once a year :)
Anyway, great posting.
Have a nice day.
Mujo lar masuk blog Pok Awi ni lepah makae nasik.
Mujo lar pB tok ngandung ..
kalu tidok ...
ni'tik mulut anok dalae perut ..
hi hi hi
pulut kuning tu ...
paberet tuuuuu
Thank you Pak Adib. Coming from you, I consider it as the compliment of the highest order. YB Husam Musa already has a stable of photo journalists with state of the art camera. Me with just an entry level DSLR will stand way down below them all. Just let me be me and do what I think is the best thing for our state of Kelantan.
You should see the gasing being played. Never seen it before and since the transfer from the platform to the 'cagak' was not via the 'cokak' there was no significant loss of momentum and the gasing could spin longer. You must see this one.
They brought only one dish the nasi impit and the other is kopi beras. Should they participate again next year I guess they will be more since the people here are adventurous enough to try your food. I am happy that you enjoy this post.
Wait for next years event and plan it such that you will be here for it. Let us read your report about it. As to the varieties you will be spoilt for choice. Unfortunately my stomah has a small capacity as fat has taken the bigger part of it. Time to shed some fat so that more food can go in the next time the event is held again.
Jijok napoknya. Lepas ni Pok Awi nak post 'Jalan Gajah Mati'. Jaga jaga deh. Be the first to comment since it will be dedicated to a certain Aida Rahim from Puchong.
wowwwww...the alluring look of the food made me salivates no end...and it made me missed kelantan so much too...
some of the food are foreign to me though so it would be nice to try it at some point that i don't know when...
who is that zainun that you mentioned as being your ex school she someone that i knew and have not met for 40 long long years ?
the bario rice reminded me of the superb times that i cherished in miri...and the people of bario are well known for their shoulder length still baffles me to this day as to the rationale of the tribe hanging an iron weight to their ears to make it long...any telling tales ?
i wouldn't miss the the chance of visiting the food festival if i have the opportunity . any possibility of suggesting to someone in the tourist board of malaysia to hold the same event in london ?
interesting coverage i must say and very enlightening too .
Time to pay a visit home to Kelantan my friend. Let see if my plan to have a gathering this December materialize. Then you can meet our old classmates again including Zainun Jaafar from your home town of Rantau Panjang. You know her of course only that you seem to forget her after 40 long years.
Cant answer for you the rationale of dangling those copper weight to their ears. Tradition dictates that the longer their earlobes, the more beautiful they are just like the long neck natives of Burma.
Doubt that I can influence them to bring the food to London since it is very expensive. The idea is to get the tourists from all over the world including Britain to come and sample our food during the event. I will make sure that all Kelantan bloggers will be carrying the story of the event long before the event is helf for the future. That way torurists will know of whaqt is in store for them.
Can you come back for December? Remember it will be cold there and warm and rainy here hahaha.
salam..thanks for covering all the event, at least i can imagine how does it looks happening
Oh, sungguh meriah sekali, makanan pun menyelerakan.
Salam Zawi,
Thank you for this fine (photo) reporting. Terima kasih seribu, as U.Lee would have said.
However I just stopped reading after arriving at the photos of all the food.
Berkecur air liur pulak, not good for me, cause I would like to complete my fasting for today. TQ again.
To sense you enjoyment of the post gave me great satisfaction. That is all the reward I need.
roziah abd rahman,
Sekiranya saya tak silap ini ada lah pertama kali saya melihan komentar anda di sini. Selamat datang.
Tengok gambar pun dah menyelerakan.
Great humour there. Oh you are a fan of my friend U Lee too.
Selamat berpuasa dan selamat berbuka.
gosh oh gosh
i couldnt believe i missed it!
been wanting to take the lil one, tapi i was so busy then
the next thing i knew it was over
kene tunggu next year pulak
btw, all food was foc ke?
little dewa,
How could you miss it? I posted a reminder in my earlier post.
The food were not free but sold at a reasonable rate. You could sample hotel foods for just RM4.00 at Renaissance booth.
pok zawi..
ambo kepeng jugok pasa pesta nasik 100 di blog ambo..tapi ambo sedighi tok de nok kelik weh..sibok bedooh nah..mujo laa pok zawi ado ambik gamba...timo kasih bbanyok deh pok zawi...
* kelik pah-kelik pah dok telior tengok gamba nasik...
Ambo gi kelih doh Acu Tra Gak. Alhamdulillah la demo kempen getek gak event di Kelate. Mulai lo ni semua Kelantan Bloggers kena bawa cerito negeri kita sebagai usaha nak mengenalkan negeri Kelate.
Ambik la mana2 gamba hok nok guna cuma tulis la sikit ambik kat site ambo sebagai iktiraf usaha tuan gambar tu. Kalu tak cukup click kat My Flickr belana lagi gambar ambo ado.
Terima kasih la kerana datang ngunong, tengok gambar dan baca sikit tulisan ambo tu mace gi doh la ko Pesta Nasi 100 tu.
Salam Zawi,
Datang kali kedua untuk beritahu, pertama kali datang terguna nama pelayar (email saya yang satu lagi dan didaftar dgn nama pelayar). Harap maklum.
Noted. Thanks for the info.
Saya memang terlalu ingin untuk merasa nasi tumpang dari Kelantan ni. Boleh saudara tolong carikan resipi dan cara memasak nya ?
Terima kasih.
Rasanya nasi tumpang dimasak nasi lembik seperti nak buat nasik himpit kemudian bila masak dan masih pamas dimasukkan dalam kelongsong daun pisang. Next dimasukkan serunding daging lepas tu nasi lagi. next layer nsi lepas tu lauk ikan atau lauk ayam sebelum lapisan terakhir nasi hngga penuh kelongsong. Tekan nasi supaya kemas dan di tutup kelongsong. Gitu la lebih kurang. Lauk ikan tu adalah kari.
salam pok zawi..
singgoh sekali lagi..teghimo kasih byok2 bui permission ko ambo guno gamba...jange bimbe setiap gamba hok ambo guno ake di "cite" ke daghi mano ambo ambik..
pasa nasik tumpe tuh..maah lah ambo nok tanyo...samba daging ko samba ike? sekalo hok ambo dok make ddale tuh dibuboh sambe ike.
Ambo beso makan sambal daging bab tu ambo boh sambal daging. Mungkin kalu nak economy sikit guna sambal ikan.
Kalau ada resipi lain bagi la kat amoontie tu.
I'm drooling here looking at the dishes.Interesting about Nasi 100. So you could eat 100 types of rice, eh? I wouldn't missed nasi dagang though if I were there.
My mother loved to make ketupat periok kera after we moved to Taiping in late 60's. There was a small wood on borderline with Chinese burial site where we found plenty of periuk kera plants.
Nasi briani was served at Zamariah daughter's wedding, dewan komuniti, Taman Tun, 8pm event. Apart from the nasi, meeting old friends very much adds flavour.
FYI, Chow Kar, Ghani, Napsah, Zainal, Napsah, Wan rokiah, Kamalul and Mahmud attended.
!00 rice is actual comprised of several type of main rice while the numbers are achieved by the variations to the 'lauk' to go with it. Anyway the basic varieties are plentiful enough and you wont be able to savour them all with a span of 3 days unless you just give yourself a pinch. The even should be a good thing for tourism given that we can't promote our own cultural heritage like tha Makyong, Menora, main puteri and what ever else that is deemed 'unislamic'.
Oh it is good to have easy access to periok kera since it isnt easily found in the lowlands. Rice when cooked in daun pisang, bamboo and periok kera gives a tinge of the container it is cooked in. So nasi periok kera isn't foreign to you then.
Not only Zamariah's function that I missed, I will be missing Datuk Dr. Mahmud's function too. I am slated to go to another cousin's wedding function on 16th August so I can't add in another trip within the same month.
Can you eat some extra for me at Mahmud's function? This one at KL Hilton some more. Huhuhu.
pak zawi....:-)
tq for bringing this report live with lively pictures and informative yet witty commentary.
Jika ada awards for 'citizen reporter' saya akan calonkan pak zawi...!!
rugi tak dok kappo...kalu tidok mesti gi doh!!
Sihat molek doh ko?
Nok wat guano mugo kita jauh di perantauan. Satu masa nanti akan balik juga dan akan dapat menikmati segalanya.
Terima kasih la atas tanggapan yang begitu tinggi. Ambo buat ni pun untuk mereka yang tak dapat hadir la. Sebagai pengubat rindu.
Wow, Pak Zawi, I didn't know you covered the Pesta Nasi so well! That is so brilliant and so mouthwatering, esp the curries and the cut fruit. How is your Sony doing? Is this a yearly occurence?
Thank you for the nice words. I covered it in such a way that you will have a general idea of what happened on the day of the opening. Unlike the newspapers or magazines, there is no limit on the number of pictures or length of write up hehehehe.
Yes it is a yearly event and done approximately the same dates. Keep your dates open for July next year.
I am happy with My Sony thus far.Look at some of the pictures in my Flickr. Could do with a telephoto though cos trying to get close to a flying insect is something of a challenge with my 70 mm standard lens.
This event is similar to what we just had in Miri. It was called Jom Makan-Makan. All the gerais look the same!! I took a picture of the Kelantan gerai, because I thought of you when I saw it! I never did write a post about the event though .. got side tracked by something else! ;-(
Melihat gambar dan berita ni, buat saya rindu sangat nak balik kg. Dan 3 bulan tak balik ni... Bertuahnya sesiapa yg dapat terus tinggal kat Kel, kan?
Rezeki saya dan suami terpahat disini buat masa ini. Tak tahu bila dapat balik bermastautin di KB. Balik sekejap, rasa tak puas la tapi hanya itu saja yang kami dapat.
Proud to be Kelantanese...
Thank you for thinking about me. Please blog about the Jom Makan-makan. Its never too late and it will be an eye opener for us.
Anywat have you booked your room in KB? Please email me if you need help to book the room. tell me your preferences. You can have comfy room right smack in town at Raudhah Hotel for below RM100 or Ridel Hotel by the riverside. You can book Ridel Hotel online by clicking on the Hotel on my side bar. You can stay at Pasir Belanda near PCB to experience kampong life.
Don't worry about transport as I will take care of it.
3 bulan tak balik tadak hal la. Orang lain bertahun tak balik. Kawan saya SJ tu dah terpahat kat London sampai pisang rastali pun dah teringin nak makan.
memang bertuah la kalau boleh balik bermastautin di Kelantan. Anak saya dah ada rumah kat Shah Alam tu pun berangan nak balik dah.
Salam Pak Zawi,
First time visiting your blog as I googled for Pesta Nasi Seratus when I found out that Kelantan will do it again from 20-22 March 2009. Good source of info and I loved the pics!
Beautiful Life,
I am so happy that you find my blog to be of some use to you. Since you are in the tourism sector, I hope you will love my travelogue too.
See you at this years Nasi 100 in KB. Thank you for telling that the 2009 Calendar is out. Can your email me a copy?
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