One Day Before Nomination Day, 23rd February 2008.
Though 24th February is the nomination day which was yesterday, BN (UMNO really) Pasir Mas announced their candidates only yesterday 23rd February 2008 at about 5 PM. The announcements were made at Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Mekasar about 500 meters from my home. About 500 youth on motorbikes attended the function and were entertained by a dikir barat performance before the speeches by the UMNO candidates. The Azan for Asar was heard from the mosque but the show went on unimpeded. Time selection was definitely poor. Datuk Rahim Ab. Rahman made his speech announcing the line up infront of youth on motorbikes who were gathered there at the school fileds. They were from all the constituencies in the Pasir Mas Parliament. Tomorrow all these youth on motorbikes will be riding in convoy to the Nomination Center at the Land Office in town some 5 km from the present location.

The motorcyclists gathered for the announcement.
The announcement by The Division Chief includes some surprises.The biggest surprise was the announcement that Dato' Halim Ahmad who was announced to be representing BN for the Parliamentary constituency earlier, wasn't contesting. In his place he announced Rusdi the UMNO youth leader for the division is standing against Datok Paduka Ibrahim Ali, an independence standing on a PAS ticket. Rusdi was earlier announced to be standing in DUN Chetok. With that move the void in DUN Chetok was filled by Datuk Rahim Ab. Rahman himself which he just announced. Rusdi was visibly absent from the function and somebody had to represent him making the introductory speech. Datuk Rahim left the scene because he had to go to UMNO Kelantan Headquarters to fill up the nomination form.
I didn't wait to listen to all the speeches as maghrib is nearing.
The Nomination Day 24th.February 2008.I arrived late at the Nomination Center for today's Nomination Day as I had to send my grand daughter Balqiss to be taken care of by her paternal grand parents. Spent another half hour chatting with the other grandparents before drinking the customary drink and then only I managed to ask for leave. When I reached Pasir Mas, the nearest parking to the Nomination Center was more than a kilometer away. Too far for my gout suffering legs to carry. Drove home to take the motorbike only to find the front tyre to be flat. Tried to inflate the tyre with a handpump but the air won't hold. Rode the bike with the airless front tyre to a repair shop and had the tube changed.
By the time I reached the nomination center it was almost 11.00 AM which signify the end of the protest period. After this point the Returning Officer will scrutinize all the protests, if any, forwarded by any of the contestants.
I was with a Kampong mate who is a avid supporter of Datuk Rahim Ab. Rahman. At that point of time his friend received a call from his friend at the nomination center for Chempaka. He was devastated because the candidate from BN Dato' Dr. Nik Mohd Zin Omar did not sign his nomination paper. Words were spreading like wild fire that they have lost the Chempaka State seat to who else but Tok Guru Nik Aziz himself due a silly oversight.
The sight at the front of the nomination place was a sight to be experienced. Inspite of the animosity, there was no untoward taunting which could lead to trouble. The UMNO supporters were just shouting among themselves by one side shouting "Lapan Belas" and the other group replying "Pade Dah"(Eighteen Is Enough) referring to the 18 years of PAS rule in Kelantan.

On the PAS side they were much more subdued with them in robes or baju melayu and wearing skull caps. One of them was leading a chanting of a written prayer asking God to destroy the coalition of their enemies. Quite a harsh words to use even on your enemies just because they happened to believe diferently from you in politics.

Personally I would like to congratulate the police for keeping the situation under control and prevent any untoward incidents due to the charged up sentiments on both sides of the fence. They didn't allow the use of any loud hailers which somehow managed to reduce any attempt at inciting the crowd. Though they had the rolls of sharp barb wires, it was never put to use as the crowd was considered as well behaved.
The following pictures will show give you some idea of the Nomination Day in Pasir Mas.

The nomination center at Pejabat Tanah Pasir Mas.
The main road was not closed.
Salam Pak Zawi:
A colorful description about PAsir Mas.
I folloewd the N137 Parlimen Bukit Katil with DUN Bukit Baru,DUN Ayer Molek,DUN Ayer Kerh and DUN Bachang.
The opposition camp was asked to gather at the Masjid al-'Alami carpark and BN camp was allowed to gather near the nomination centre.
Eventhough the Masjid was about 1,5km from the nomination centre it was well taken by PAS. At 8.00 am all PAS members and PKR gathering there went into the masjid and performed the solat Dhuha and solat hajat. When we gathered at the car part a police inspector was there and briefed us about the procession and what we can and can't do. At 8.40am , we made our move with the small group of DAP delegates leading the way followed by PAS and PKR.
As we reached the centre we saw that the BN camp was the other side of the centre and we are separated by 200m from aech other. I have to take my hats off to the police for this. They have avoided a possible 'war' either verbal or bottles.
The nominations and the scrutinies by both parties were done accordingly.PAS nd DAP made some bantahan .PAS protested the use of Datuk and Datuk Deri by the UMNO candidates(including Datuk ALI Rustam the CM) and DAP made its bantahan towards the BN Parliamentary candidate datuk Md Sirat for his legal and financial dealings.( so when BN nominate him as a candidate, we were wondering why BN said they only wanted clean candidates).
During this time we received lots of sms all over the country. We heard that TGNA and Brahim Ali won uncontested. And we heard Azalina Othman won uncontested when the PAS candidate didn't have his seconder sign the form. So it makes me wonder why in Cempaka it was allowed to contest but in Panggerang it was disqualified.
During the 3 hours waiting in the hot sun( there were no trees or buildings there for us/BN camps to avoid the hot sun 1 big difference that I noticed btwn PAS supporters and BN/UMNO supporters.
PAS supporters will do the zikir and selawat and doa. But on the BN side(at least in Parlimen Bukit Katil) the Puteri,Pemuda and Putera were singing.
Some might say, because they have MCA and Gerakan and MIC members there.
Well, PAS had about 50 DAP members with them.And when we did the doa, most of the DAP members lifted their hands to their chest.
Alhamdulillah no untowards incident happen yesterday.
On our way back PAS and UMNO members where honking each other and waving to each other in a friendly manner and some went for tea tarek together!
There was no gap at all between both supporters in Pasir Mas. They could even intermingel if they want. No clear line at all.
TGNA could have won if he and his supporters didn't use the honrific titles in his nomination forms.Funny why they can never learn to fill the form right even with so many advisers. Dr. Nik Zin didn't sign his form which was an even bigger mistake. The Star said they compromised because both made errors.
I will be posting new development to keep everybody informed of any developments in my area.
Alhamdulillah for the peaceful nomination day.
salam pak zawi
I came across your blog via no2umno...what a great blog you have here and so many good entries reading them especially the trip around KB...
I was on holiday in KB March last year and it was fun throughout our stay at renaissance..surprise huh a five star hotel in KB...
will come again to read your postings...
good job pak zawi!
Being a first visit I would like to welcome to my humble blogsite. I am so happy that you enjoy visiting Kelantan. Kelantan definitely welcomes people like you. Hopefully you have found enough activities to keep yourself and your family occupied while being here.
Yes many people were surprised to find Ranaisance Hotel in Kota Bharu.
Hopefully more upmarket hotel will be built to cater for the upper end market as there are already numerous budget hotels.
Please do come back again and should you need any specific informations please contact me and I will try my best to help.
Thanks for the visit and have a good day.
Bung Zawi a Klantanese friend sent this in an email; ..."now, kalu org kelate dok luar Kelate nak balik mengundi, the going price
is RM300... untung sakan..."
Any truth to this rumor, Sir?
Anyway, enjoyed your reportage and loyal readers here hope to read more of your take on the politics of the Last Frontier (phrase borrowed from kickdefella). You are therefore excused from posting other topics for the time being, ha-ha.
Re: your previous post, Sir, I have always been amazed at the closeness of the Chinese and Malays living at the frontier. Muhibbah is an alien concept to you because Kelantanese (whether Ah Tong or Mat Dahang) are living, breathing examples of peoples showing genuine respect for the other. Kelantanese had long ago embraced this concept without interfering politicians telling you to. I can't put my finger on it,about how it works... but it would be wise for KL politicians (read: BN) go to a Kelantan and make a case study of it. Our future generation is at stake here...
mat salo,
I think there is some truth in that. Maybe that is the current rate. I registered all of my children who r voting here as outstation voters and they will be offered the fare back. What rhey will vote is their prerogative. Every voters count to them.
Unfortunately I will start moving around only tonite so I dont have much to report yet. Wort case scenario my camera card is infected with virus and still with a friend to clean it up. What is a reporter witout a camera?
The politicians are dividing us in order to rule.
hello Tuan Zawi ! My appologies..i think you know about what. Ok, I was there, but there were such a big crowd along the road, and i only can drive so slowly, and these supporters are so close to my car. First it was the BN supporters, than the PAS. I am not use to this environment, so I just drove away. You know, I just look so alian to all these people, incase anything happen. Those supporters really looks wild, with flags covering their body and head. There are even bikers carrying flags screeming like crazy people. So, i didn't stay to take alook further.
Ok, about the offer, I was told the rate last year was $200. but i didn't know about this year. How do we go around registering as an outstation people ? I want to claim my tax return too..
Sdra Zawi,
Your blog may be apolitical but politics is part of life especially during elections. So your "political" report is "Life as You see it".
Keep it coming. It will definitely give us outsiders a much welcome alternative view aside from the sickening, one sided propaganda from the MSM. When will they ever learn not to treat us like idiots.
Selamat melapor.
Salam Pak Zawi
I wanted so much to go out of KL this general election, even to the smallest of states but my bosses decided otherwise. So, I’m stuck in KL. I have to rely on friends and the blogs to find the dramas I’m missing on the ground.
Thank you for this posting. From it, I know what is happening there through your first-hand account.
I guess you were right to drive away. Next time you want to come near to such a crowd, better become one of them. Wear a PAS badge and a skull cap or bear a T Shirt with the logo "18 Pade Dah". Then you must be in the right crowd. If you are in the wrong group its dangerous too hahahaha. Or wear a Gerakan badge. That is acceptable.
You must register at the respective branch where you vote. Only BN pays you out station allowance. Are you sure you still want to vote BN?
Tax return? What is that got to do with the GE? Wait till PKR form the next Federal Government for that.
See you another time for the project OK?
Sdr. Husin,
I will be as impartial as I can. Any bias is only in the readers mind due to their hyperactive imagination OK?
Nothing new to report yet. Will be moving out soon.
Feel free to use my report and make it your own. Just change a few words here and there and use your style and they won't know about the actual source at all. Afterall not many readers read my blog. You can even quote me OK? Wow I gonna be famous soon hahahahaha.
Pak Zawi,
And so the war has oficially started...glad nothing 'not so good' happened.
Keep 'em coming ya Pak:)
So far nothing untoward happened. They are civic minded people n the police did a good job.
I will do my best to get the latest development for you all to read. Awak lum boleh ngundikan?
Salam Pak Zawi,
I sudah agak memang suasana nomination day in Kelantan best..but not in Kuching,e.g kawasan saya.During nomination day.I dah siap betul betul macam reporter CNN dengan camera etc etc.tapi kacewa betul...warna biru saja yang nampak..siap pakai khidmat mat rempit...anyway Sarawak politic is so much like those behind our leader need to say YES only ..if say NO you out..I think you undersatnd me...OK PakZawi have a nice day.
Memang suasana sini pun meriah. BN guna motorcade budak muda juga. Tiap pserta dapat duit minyak dan T Shirt cuma I missed that part because I was late.
Sini meriah sebab penyokong sama ramai dan dari pakaian dapat dilihat penyokong siapa.
Nothing new to report yet as no big ceramah has been held. Heard there maybe a big ceramah tonite.
High time Sarawakian be taught to say NO to BN. Otherwise they will bully you forever.
Helo Pak Zawi,
Thank you for sharing the scene of Election 2008 at ur area...:)
But please do becareful when u move around.
Lucky u notice the flat tyre b4 going out.
Thank you for the concern to my safety. Actually holding a camera however small is often a passport in many functions. The bigger the camera especially the broadcasting type used by TV stations are better (You can always paste a suitable logo hehehehe). So I was quite free to move around in any group(Look how close I could get to Datuk Paduka Ibrahim Ali). Now it reminds me to get a bigger camera to look more professional hahahaha.
I was lucky to notice the flat tyre before riding off.
How was it at your place?
Salam Pak Zawi,
Being one of the critical 30,000 lost-kelantanese in klang valley, I ll be heading home soon for a real democratic exercise. Pasir Mas seems to be in my hands (figuratively lah hehe)
Im sure i ll be visiting this blog again for more updates. Thanks for the info Pak.
Im glad i have found this.
Being your first visit, I would like to welcome you to my humble site. Thank you for intending to come back for more. I will do my level best to keep you all updated on the goings on in Pasri Mas as much as I could.
Do come back to excercise your right. If you want to save some money you can take the free bus rides paid for by the rakyat.
I am happy that you have found my site.
Pade doh?
And yet their candidate screwed the shit up @DUN Kijang. Way to go!
Pade Doh. That ex minister leading Kelantan will be shown the exit after the election. We have had enough of him for screwing the PPRT fund. With the amount of fund screwed, poverty should be erradicated in Kelantan. Despite being ruled by the opposition, a few Federal agencies are working on pverty erradication in Kelantan. What have they done with the allocated fund? How come thay keep showing the abject poor on TV? I doubt that they are Malaysians at all otherwise they would have qualified as a PPRT recipient. Pade doh.
Salam Pak Zawi,
am glad i found your link thru cekmi. i wud surely come back for more news on the election ;)
Welcome to my site. I must thank cekmi for bringing you over. I am working on the new post right now. Hope to be able to post it soon. Since I am from Pasir Mas, my blog will only contain news from this Parliamentary constituency.
Please come back later OK?
lawa gambar gambar tu ...
macam PRO ...
Itu lah flukeshot namanya. Cara membuatnya? Ambil banyak banyak dan pilih yang terbaik. Bila guna camera fixed focus yang cuma point and shoot, tak boleh jadi pro la. Nantilah kalau dapat rezeki dari PRU12 nanti boleh dapat Nikon DX2 ke boleh turn pro la hahahahaha.
You are talking about Ahmad Rosdi (ketua pemuda UMNO, Pasir mas) taking the parlimen seat for Pasir mas ? U mean the guy from Kubang Batang Puspasari ? Hei, I know him..Wow, he really have to work very hard to contest against Ibrahim Ali.
Yes I am talking about Ahmad Rusdi. I guess not many have met him or know him other than his name.
I want to do a write up on him as to be fair to both sides. So far I think I have done somethng for IA. I will be most delighted if you can email me some info.
Assalamualaikom Pok Zawi.
I'm Neeza, 1st timer here. Just to correct some facts. Actually Nik Amar does not write any Datuk in his 'borang' because he's not a Datuk. I was there that day and I saw the 'borang' when they show it to the crowd. The Star(TS) report it wrongly. And I also read the Star when they print the news on 1st page. TS - liar.
Taken from Al-Khazaain:
Sebetulnya banyak kejadian menarik berlaku pagi tadi. Saya akan catatkan disini antaranya.
1. Saya telah dilantik untuk menjadi pencadang kepada YAB Tuan Guru Dato' Menteri Besar merangkap panel peguam bagi calon-calon PAS kawasan Pengkalan Chepa. Urusan pengisian borang kesemua calon adalah menjadi tanggungjawab saya. Berbekalkan pengalaman sejak tahun 1995 lagi serta beberapa siri perbincangan dengan rakan-rakan peguam lain, Alhamdulillah urusan pengisian borang tersebut dapat diselesaikan tanpa sebarang masalah, walaupun 3 malam berturut-turut tidur tidak nyenyak.
Read the rest at :
First and foremost I would like to welcome you here this being your first comment at my blogsite.
That was my earlier understanding of the story when the UMNO supporter told his friend over the phone.
Infact I made some comments to that effect in Nuraina Samad's blogsite and immediately after reading The Star's report I had to make a correction via a second comment at her site. Its a wonder how professional journalists file their stories without checking their facts first. For us the papers are standard reference materials.
Despite such biased decisions, The EC still maintain they are doing a fair job when by right the Cempaka seat should be won by TGNA uncontested as not signing the nomination form was a breach of the regulation. I guess they would have immediately disqualify a contestant from the otherside if the same happened.
Thank you for clarifying the matter. Hopefully others will read this comment of yours and clear any doubt that TGNA deserve to win the seat uncontested.
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